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{Possible trigger warnings: nightmare

If I miss something, I apologize and please let me know}

The ground was shaking. Roman couldn't move, staring in horror as the Sanctuary was ripped apart before his eyes.

He could see Patton trying to save some of the younger residents. The healer couldn't outrun the destruction.

They locked eyes just as the ground beneath his feet gave way. Patton screamed and Roman tried to reach for him but they were too far apart.

Out of the center of the mess, a huge shadow rose.

"Thought you could hide, Princey?"

Roman jerked awake, gasping harshly and clutching his chest. He swallowed thickly and slowly sat up.

He was lying in his bed. Patton had helped him put together a little living area in a hollowed out tree that was pretty close to the open area where most residents chose to hang out during the day. 

Roman shook his head a few times, trying to figure out what that dream had been. Obviously he knew who the shadow was... was he going to try and target the Sanctuary?

No. With any luck he thought Roman had bled out under some thicket somewhere.

He could tell himself that, sure, but the growl still ripped itself through his mind over and over.

Thought you could hide, Princey?

Roman got up, wrapping his blanket around his shoulders and shuffling out of his little room.

He couldn't see any movement in the dark, and his eyesight never failed him. Well, almost never. Roman slowly crossed the open area in the center of the Sanctuary and walked to the edge of the little stream that wound along the side.

"Couldn't sleep?"

Roman jumped and spun around. Mam smiled softly at him.

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't realize you were here-"

"It's alright, Roman. Some herbs are better collected at night, I work when I need to."

He nodded and fiddled with his blanket, looking around awkwardly.

"Do you need someone to talk to, Roman?" Mam asked quietly. Roman hesitated for a moment before nodding. She chuckled and patted the ground next to her.

Roman sat down, already telling himself he was not going to talk about the nightmare.

For a minute they sat in silence, Mam braiding clippings of the herbs she was gathering together. Eventually she looked up at him.

"What's wrong, sweetheart?"

Roman's chest clenched. It had been so long since someone spoke to him with that gentle tone.

"I don't know how to explain it." He hugged the blanket tighter around his shoulders. "The Sanctuary is safety, I can feel it in everything around me, but... I've never had that before. I keep waiting for the other foot to drop."

Mam chuckled, nodding. "You aren't the only one. It's pretty common for residents to feel that way when they first arrive."

"I'm your first Were, though." Roman mumbled.

"Roman. We've got two White Court, a regular ol' bloodsucker, a necromancer, and a baby wyvern of all things. There are others as well. A person's level of danger is of little consequence here."

Mam returned her attention to her herbs, laying the braid she'd just finished across her basket.

"Do you want help?" Roman asked after a moment, watching her.

"If you'd like to, I can show you the patterns."

He unwrapped himself from his blanket a little and leaned over to look into the basket. Mam plucked a few herbs and separated them into two piles.

"Start with the lavender." She picked it up. Roman followed her lead. They slowly braided the set together.

"What are these for?" He asked as he handed the finished braid back to her.

"They're simple starters for various potions." Mam began to coil the herb braids, tucking them away. "Putting a dozen of them together makes it easier to get work done when the time comes."

Roman nodded, tucking himself up in his blanket again.

She checked a small watch hanging from a chain around her neck and stood up. "Axe will be wondering where I am... if you ever need to talk about anything Roman, don't hesitate to ask. Me, Axe, Patton. Anyone, really."

"Um, before you go." Roman fiddled with the blanket. "Could I ask about him?"

"Patton- oh, of course not. Axe." Mam sat down again. "What would you like to know?"

"How did you- I've never heard of White Court hunger being sated. Forgive my skepticism."

Mam chuckled. "Oh no, that's entirely understandable. It took me a few tries to get the potion put together right, but we haven't had any problems since. Neither have the others."

"Others?" Roman raised his eyebrows.

"There's one other White Court here, but you'll never see him. He's very reclusive." Mam picked up her basket. "He left a lover behind."

Roman snorted before he could stop himself. "A White Court with a lover?"

"Is it so hard to imagine?"

"Well I- yes! I've never met a White Court who wasn't aggressive to the point of attacking on sight." He crossed his arms under the blanket.

"Perhaps that can be attributed to the natural rivalry, not their temperaments." Mam said quietly, standing up. "Prejudices do not stand well in the Sanctuary, Roman. Keep that in mind."

Roman fell quiet as she walked off. He had a feeling he may have upset her.

"Of course you did, you idiot." He suddenly realized what was wrong. "She's married to a White Court."

Staring at the water, he thought back over his previous experiences with White Court. Maybe she was right... he couldn't think of a time he hadn't been at least half shifted when he came into contact with one.

Roman sighed and got up, making his way back through the Sanctuary to his little house.


He took a swing on instinct. It didn't connect, and Roman glared at the shadowy figure.

"I won't mention that to Pops and Mam, but only because I figured that would be your reaction." Virgil leaned against the wall next to the door, smirking.

"Get out!" Roman snapped, baring his teeth.

"Terrifying." The White Court rolled his eyes. "You're not gonna last long here."

He walked away and Roman glared after him.

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