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{Possible trigger warnings: weapons, threats, mention of the k word (Wattpad hates me)

If I miss something, I apologize and please let me know}

"JJ, we have a very big problem."

Virgil looked up from the pieces of grass he was braiding together. JJ, lying on his back a few feet away, growled and sat up.

"What, Nina?"

She glared at him. "Don't take that tone with me. Who do you have watching Garrat?"

JJ frowned, sitting up a little farther. "No one. He's outside, and he's useless out there. We can keep an eye on the people he has there."

Nina raised an eyebrow at him. "You're an idiot. This is Roman Garrat that we are talking about."

"And he's stupid. What happened? Why are you so worried?"

Nina looked around and stepped close, leaning down so only JJ and his allies (and supposed allies) could hear.

"He's sent for Destiny."

For the first time since the two of them had met, Virgil saw JJ's face contort into a mix of apprehension, bordering on terror.

"That's impossible."

Nina rolled her eyes. "She's after you over him, I'm sure she'd gladly make a deal for your head."

JJ scrambled to his feet. "Get the others, have them meet at my hut. I want them there as quickly as possible."

Nina shot him a look, then glanced at Virgil. "Get who you can find, I'll find the others."

Virgil rolled his eyes. "Fine."

He went for Remy first, pulling the vampire aside as he stepped back from a lost bout with Pops in the ring. "I think we scared JJ into acting. He wants everyone with him in his hut."

Remy spat in the dirt on the side of the ring and nodded. "I'll be along in a minute."

"Don't take too long." Virgil warned him before darting off into the forest again.

He didn't find anyone else, because it seemed that Nina had found a group. As Virgil made his way towards the hut that JJ had renovated for himself, Remy fell in step next to him.

"So how did you scare him?" He asked quietly.

Virgil shrugged. "Roman fed him the information that he was going after Destiny."

"The hell is that?"

"Not a clue but I saw JJ look scared for the first time ever so it's got to be a big deal."

Remy nodded. "Cool cool cool. Lets see what happens."

The two of them slipped into the back of the group that had gathered inside. JJ was pacing back and forth near his bed, and as Virgil tugged the door shut he hopped up onto it so everyone could see him.

"Seems like Garrat's smarter than we give him credit for. I wanted to get Dannan in here before we did this, but it's time to move."

Virgil heard growls from the front of the group. He glanced at Remy.

"We'll start with the infirmary building. Once you see it light up, go after whoever you can reach." JJ's fingertips shifted into claws and he lifted them, eyeing each one with what looked like building excitement.

"He's shaking." Remy breathed in Virgil's ear. "He's nervous."

"Good." Virgil muttered.

"If you can't kill 'em, send them running." JJ continued. "Nina, you're in charge of setting everything on fire."

Nina scoffed. "So you don't want me fighting?"

"You're good at multitasking." He waved her off. Virgil saw her jaw clench angrily.

"We need to do this tonight. Garrat's not here, his allies are weak, they are expecting us to wait. We will take this place out, wipe it off any map it might show up on. We- will- destroy- this."

Muted growls sounded throughout the room.

JJ grinned. "That's the way. Tonight. Wait for the signal. Until then, find something to do."

Virgil yanked Remy out the door and around the corner. They waited until the others had left, then he peeked back inside.

"I highly resent you using me as a torch-bearer, Thompson." Nina informed the leader of the group, her voice dripping acid.

"You'll get over it, sweetheart." He reached up to pat her cheek with the back of his hand as he passed her.

Virgil's eyes widened as JJ suddenly found himself on his back. Nina planted a boot in the center of his chest and a pristine silver dagger appeared in her hand.

"You and I are not friends, Joshua, and you are pushing your luck with me. You piss me off, you belittle me in front of others, you test me."

JJ swallowed thickly and Nina leaned forward. "My patience only allows so much. Stop prodding, or you will have more problems on your hands than an impertinent werewolf and a bloodthirsty drygon."

"Is that a threat?"

"Everything I've ever said to you has been a thinly veiled threat, you really should have picked up on that kind of thing by now." Nina rolled her eyes and turned, the dagger disappearing as she walked away from JJ. Virgil ducked outside again.

"What's a drygon?" He asked Remy quietly. The vampire frowned and tilted his head.

"Uh... I don't know?"

"Well apparently it's not good..." Virgil glanced up as Nina left the hut. He motioned for Remy to follow and fell in step with her after a couple paces. "What's a drygon?"

Nina glanced at him, then cracked her neck. "Drygons are a shapeshifting race, the oldest of them. They've got a vendetta against werewolves as a general rule, but this one, Destiny, was after JJ in particular."

"Any specific reason?" Remy asked.

"Well. She was old as hell, even for a drygon, and had laid her last egg. JJ got ahold of it and destroyed it. Understandably pissed her off."

Virgil frowned. "But she's dead now? That's what Roman said. And you were there."

Nina nodded. "A few of us miscreants in the city were tasked with... pest control, more or less. It was only after we had faced Destiny down, killed her, and made it out that we realized how lucky we had been. That man who tasked us? Not so much."

She looked at Remy and Virgil with a sharp, humorless grin. "Never tell a Necromancer your name if you're planning to try and get them killed."

"Noted." Remy muttered.

"Well, boys. We'll be underway tonight. Someone get Logan notified so he can find Roman before it gets dark."

"I'll do that." Virgil offered. "See you both tonight."

"Try not to die." Nina slapped each of them on the shoulder. "Losing allies gives me the worst headache."

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