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{Possible trigger warnings: FIGHTING, K*LLING, DEATH, blood, pain, swearing, some weapon mentions, poison mentions

If I miss something, I apologize and please let me know}

Roman knew he had to be fast. He could only last so long against JJ, so he had to pick his hits and try to get in better attacks. 

"You've always had a disgustingly sympathetic streak, Garrat. Should've let Dannan rip your throat out that night in the alley." JJ taunted as he raked his claws against Roman's chest. Roman snarled and shoved him backwards, feeling his own claws catch on his opponent's shoulder. 

"Might still let him do it." The werewolf taunted.

"I got there first." Roman spat, ducking and sweeping his leg at JJ's feet. He caught one ankle, but JJ took a sort of hopping step back and stayed up.

Furious, he lunged again and slammed into JJ, pushing him onto his back and snapping furiously at his neck and shoulders.

Stars flashed across his vision as JJ's huge clawed fist slammed into his jaw. Roman felt his body go slack for a moment, and then he was the one on his back, with a larger (and arguably much more deadly) creature above him. JJ laughed, a horrible and thunderous sound that bubbled up from his chest.

"F*ck you!"

Something blasted JJ backwards. Roman propped himself up on his elbows to see what it was.

Talia appeared in her human form in front of him as Marcos rolled away from JJ. She slammed one hand forward, a blast of pink, glittering energy shooting out and knocking their problem to the ground again as he struggled to get up.

"F*ck him up, Ro!" She shot into the air, once again returning to her tiny pink form, and zipped off. Roman saw another small battle suddenly broken up by a similar pink explosion.

JJ had really brought them all to the fight. There were more bodies than he could have accounted for, more faces that he didn't recognize everywhere. For the first time, Roman caught full sight of Dilly as the wyvern careened through the clearing and tackled two large pale orc-ish creatures. He could hear shrieking, the kind that came with high levels of necromancy, and various snarls and hisses.

"You picked the wrong people to f*ck with, JJ!" He scrambled to his feet and jumped into the fray with Marcos.

JJ may have been ruthless and dangerous, but against two werewolves nearly his size he didn't stand a damn chance. Every hit was mirrored by another, and with the speeds Roman and Marcos could manage, he'd never be able to keep up.

"You're... not..." JJ growled through gritted teeth. "Never... winning this!"

He slammed his hand into the center of his chest and both Marcos and Roman were sent flying backwards. They watched in horror as JJ began to swell and grow, becoming twice his size. Roman spotted a blue amulet hanging around his neck.

"Go for the jewel!" He yelled to Marcos as he got to his feet.

"Are you crazy? He'll kill us!"

"I don't give a sh*t." Roman took his eyes off of JJ for a moment to lock eyes with Marcos. "This is my home, and I'll be f*cking d*mned before I let him take that away from me again."

Marcos nodded and got up. He shifted back to human and stuck two fingers between his lips.

The ear-piercing whistle was met with several howls and yells. Roman watched in amazement as the people who had once been his family came flooding from all sides. Talia exploded out of her fairy form with a huge ball of purple energy in her palm. Slynkie appeared out of nowhere, her black fur matted with blood. The wind picked up as the sylph twins slipped from the shadows. He could see the others approaching quickly as well.

"On your call." Marcos told Roman quietly.

Roman turned to look up at JJ and growled. "Get him!"

They surged forward, working in unison as they had years before. Roman and Marcos leapt upward, slamming into JJ's chest and taking huge swipes. Slynkie ducked around behind him and began to climb up his back with her claws. Talia unleashed the purple ball, which exploded in JJ's face with the horrible smell of acid-melted flesh.

JJ grabbed Roman around the waist and hurled him at a tree. Before he connected, Roman felt his shoulder wrench as something grabbed his wrist. He looked down to see Pops, White Court energy surging in his eyes. The man grinned wildly and swung Roman in a circle, hurling him back the direction he came.

"Thanks for the ride!" A little voice chirped in his ear. Ali and Bree hopped off of his shoulders and shot into JJ's face, little bursts of poisonous fairy dust exploding in his eyes. Roman slammed against his chest a moment later.

"To me! Get over here and help!" JJ was screaming, talking to someone that Roman coudn't see. Even with his enlarged size, he was being swarmed by over a dozen attackers now, and with so many hits coming he couldn't focus on one place.

A pure white arrow hissed out of the darkness and a voice calmly responded over the chaos.

"Don't think I will, actually."

Nina nocked another bone arrow and Roman pointed to the amulet. "Shoot that!"

He heard Slynkie yelp and returned his attention to JJ as the black werewolf was pulled off of their adversary by a large vine. Slynkie could handle Taeda, JJ was the bigger problem.

Roman began to climb higher up JJ's chest with his claws, trying to reach the amulet. If he could get to it, this would be so much easier. He was almost there, just one more reach-

Just before his claws reached the gemstone, Roman once again felt himself being picked up. He writhed furiously, trying to get free.

"You will never win this fight Garrat!" JJ spat furiously. His own team was starting to show up, combating Roman's easily. "I am the inevitable here! I am the winner! I will destroy this place and there's nothing you can do to stop me- AGH!"

A flash of blue sparkled in Roman's peripheral as a small dragon shot away from JJ's chest, the amulet clutched tightly in his claws. JJ began to shrink rapidly, and fell to the ground with Roman on top of him. Logan let out a victory screech from the tree he landed in.

"Destroy it now, b*tch." Roman hissed in his ear before clamping his jaws down on JJ's throat.

{I proofread this with From Now On from The Greatest Showman playing and... wow. Feels}

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