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{Possible trigger warnings: swearing, discussion of betrayal, skeleton

If I miss something, I apologize and please let me know}

The first group entered the Sanctuary the next morning. Talia sat on one of Marcos' shoulders in fairy form, and Bree stood on the other, holding onto his ear. 

Virgil watched them from afar. He knew who they were thanks to Logan's brief explanation, but he couldn't really talk to them without JJ getting suspicious.

"What do you think of them?" 

He looked up, finding Remy at his side. "Whadaya mean?"

Remy narrowed his eyes a little. "Think they're with us?"

"I don't know who the hell they are, I couldn't tell ya." Virgil grumbled evasively.

"Well they don't look like they'll be much of a threat. JJ could take that wolf with a hand tied behind his back, and I've got a flyswatter in my hut-"

"Rem, can I talk to you for a minute?"

Remy paused and looked at Virgil. "Sure. 'Bout what, babes?"

"Let's go to my place." Virgil crossed his arms, glancing around. "There's too many new people around here these days, this is an old farts chat."

"Goootcha. Tell you what, I'll see you there in five. I was supposed to go help JJ fix up that hovel he's in, I'm gonna let him know."

Virgil nodded, trying to ignore the warning bells in his head as he walked away. He didn't want Remy to say anything about him to JJ, but he knew saying something about it would just make the vampire suspicious.

There was a flicker of blue out of the corner of his vision and Virgil slowed a little, glancing up. Logan blinked at him from the tree he was currently clinging to.

Virgil dropped his gaze, but began to hum the first few lines of the chorus of Luck Be A Lady. He heard a quiet churr and the flapping of wings, getting quieter.

This was a gamble. It was a horrible idea, he was going to either get murdered by a vampire or sold out to a murderous werewolf, or they might threaten the others or they might find Roman out and kill him or-

Virgil shook his head sharply and pushed open the door to his hut, slamming it against the wall.

He dropped onto the bed and forced himself through the counts of the panic counts that Patton had taught him.

"You look stressed as hell." A form dropped onto the bed next to him. Virgil slowly sat up.

"What gave it away?" He asked sardonically. "There's too many new people, I f*cking hate it."

Remy laughed and slung an arm around Virgil's shoulders. "You'll get used to it. And just think, it'll probably just be JJ's guys in a couple weeks."

"Yeah..." Virgil drew the word out, making a face. "I actually wanted to talk to you about that."

He felt Remy tense up next to him.


"Look, I don't get what you like about that f*cker so much, he smells like death and it's disgusting. You can't tell me you like him, and I know you're not the kind of guy to want what he wants to do to this place."

Virgil got up and began to pace. "The Sanctuary is our home, Remy. And JJ wants to rip it apart, burn it down, and kill anyone who gets in his way. I don't want that. That is the exact opposite of what I want."


"I'm way over letting him treat me like trash too. He acts like anyone who isn't a werewolf is lesser, it's disgusting! He treats you like his personal go-fer boy, he acts like I'm his b*tch-"


Virgil spun around to face Remy, chest heaving. When the vampire stood up, he took two steps back. Remy reached for him and he backed up another pace.

"I hate him." Remy said emphatically, keeping his voice low. "I hate him with everything in me and I want him dead almost as much as Roman probably does. We have to keep quiet about it though because he's on top right now."

Virgil's fears petered out at the pure fury he could see burning in his friend's eyes. Remy was doing exactly what he was... flying beneath the radar.

"I've been meeting Roman outside to keep him updated on what's going on in here. He knows as much as I can tell him." He said quietly. "With both of us in on it, maybe we can alternate going out there so JJ doesn't notice as quickly."

"Perfect. Just tell me who I have to talk to."

~~~30 Minutes Later~~~

In the middle of working through a new plan to get information between the two of them and Logan, Remy suddenly stopped in the middle of a sentence. Virgil was about to ask him why, but then he froze as he smelled it to. 

"What. The hell. Is that?" Remy whispered, rising to his feet slowly. He twitched a finger and a tiny dagger appeared in his hand.

"Don't do that sh*t." Virgil warned him as he stood up. "You know how Patton and the others get about it."

The vampire hissed, but flicked his hand again. The blade disappeared.

"Smells like Pietos... kind of. But worse." 

Virgil felt a sinking pit in his stomach. "Oh god- come on."

He raced out the door of his little house and towards the front border, Remy hot on his heels.

There were a few people hanging out, it was a nice enough day, but not nearly as many as there usually was. Virgil had a sneaking suspicion as to why.

"JJ's out here." Remy hissed. "I smell him."

"Yeah. I think I know who that smell is and what it means." Virgil pinched his nose, trying to think. "F*ck, what was her name? She's, she's- Nina. Her name is Nina. She's a-"

"Necromancer." The vampire breathed, eyes wide.

JJ was talking animatedly with an individual by the front gate. She was taller than him, and dressed in black.

"Is that her-"

"Her companion?" Virgil eyed the skeleton next to Nina, feeling nervousness bubble up in the pit of his stomach. "Yep."


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