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{Possible trigger warnings: uhh, creepy character? I think that's it but

If I miss something, I apologize and please let me know}

Roman was sort of surprised how many of the residents of the Sanctuary accepted him without pause. Even among people like himself out in the normal world, he was often turned into an outcast.

"Yo, you play soccer?" Remy asked him as they wandered past the main area of the Sanctuary.

"Um," Roman shrugged, shoving his hands in his pockets. "I mean, not often. But I've played before. I'm not a professional by any means but I think I'm decent."

"We're playing a game in an hour or so, and we need another player to make teams even. Wanna join?"

"Sure, why not? Who else is playing?"

Remy tipped his head, thinking. "Me, Emile-"

"The Kitsune?" Roman asked curiously. He'd had one or two interactions with the man, but Emile always seemed like he was focused on something else.

"Mhm. He likes running around, so he joins in."

"Okay. Who else?"

"Ivy, Veris, and Logan. Then you."

Roman nodded slowly. "Solid. Do you pick teams at the game or is it a predetermined thing?"

Remy laughed. "Well Ivy and Veris have to be separated. They play too well together, and if they're on the same team they cheat."

"They cheat?"

"Dryads, man. They grow plants and trip everyone up if they're playing on the same team." Remy shook his head. "So we split 'em up. Usually Logan and I are team captains, so we choose our other player after the dryads pick their team."

Roman nodded. "Sounds like fun. I'll see you there."

Remy flipped him a two finger salute and headed off to the creek, where they usually hung out.

Roman let his feet carry them wherever they wanted. Eventually he ended up in front of a dark hut farther back in the woods.

The necromancer's hut, if he had to guess. He hadn't met them yet, but he'd heard some things.

As Roman stood there, looking up at the little house, the door opened.

The skinny individual stared at him for a few moments, black and sunken eyes not blinking. Then they leaned down and held their hand to the floor.

Roman watched curiously as a small skeleton of a rat scrambled up the necromancer's arm and sat on their shoulder. It stood out starkly against their black, stringy hair.

"Hello." Roman said quietly after a moment. "You must be Pietos."

Pietos watched him for a moment, then offered a single nod.

"I'm Roman. I don't think we've met."

"No." The necromancer's voice was raspy, and deeper than he'd expected. They tipped their head, regarding Roman. "You are Lycan."

"Yeah... how can you tell?" Roman asked. To his knowledge, necromancers couldn't smell that kind of thing.

"You stand... in a way." Pietos shrugged. "I cannot explain."

"No worries. It seemed you were on your way to do something, I'll let you get to that." Roman turned, hiding a smile. He hadn't expected an interaction like that to be so... calm.

"Wait." Pietos said quietly. Roman paused and turned back to them.

"Nemo likes you."


Pietos gestured to the little skeleton on their shoulder. Roman grinned. 

"Does he now? Interesting."

"He likes sun. I... do not... take him?"

Roman blinked. "As in... now? Let him come with me?"

Pietos nodded quickly. "Only a short time."

"Oh, well sure. Do I have to do anything?" Roman asked. "Like, hold him a certain way?"

"No. Just carry. He holds on well."

Pietos crouched and Nemo scampered down their arm again, running towards Roman and making funny little chattering noises.

"Hello there." Roman smiled, leaning down to pick the little rat up. Nemo's tiny claws snagged his shirt as he chose a shoulder for a perch.

"He likes you." Pietos repeated. When Roman looked up at them, they were smiling.

It was sort of terrifying. Roman had a feeling the necromancer didn't smile much. He smiled back though, reasoning that it was a start. 

Nemo rested contently on his shoulder as he made his way back to the open area of the Sanctuary. Roman glanced at him once or twice, but then just let him do his thing.

"Hey Roman! Game's starting soon!" Remy shouted from the group that was gathering. "C'mon!"

Roman grinned and jogged over. He felt tiny little claws in his shoulder, but in terms of pain he'd experienced it was like a little pinprick. 

"You've uh, got a thing..." Remy made a vague gesture at Roman's shoulder. 

"Is that Nemo?" Logan asked curiously, adjusting his glasses. 

"Mhm. Pietos said he likes me."

"Interesting. Is he going to stay there?"

Roman shrugged and glanced at the little skeleton. "He hasn't had an issue so far, I think he'll be okay. Have you picked teams yet?"

"Well we split the dryads up. Veris is with me, Ivy with Logan. It's just you and Emile."

Roman looked at Emile, who grinned and ran a hand through his hair.

"I suppose we settle this like we normally do?" Logan asked Remy, rolling his shoulders back a little. Roman raised his eyebrows as the others all took a step back.

"Oh I wouldn't dream of taking that opportunity away from you." Remy smirked, taking his sunglasses off. "Hold these, babes."

The dryad next to him, who must be Veris, rolled her eyes and plucked the shades from his hand. She raised an eyebrow and put them on.

"'Atta girl." Remy grinned and turned back to Logan. "Count us off, will ya?"

"Three. Two. One. Go." Veris counted down, inspecting her nails.

Roman muffled a snort as the two team captains aggressively threw their hands out, displaying rock and paper.

"They're ridiculous, I know." Ivy commented from beside Roman.

"Well, do you want Roman or Emile?" Remy asked Logan, taking out his ponytail and redoing it.

"I'd like to see what Roman can do on my team." Logan looked at Roman and Ivy. "I think you two will do pretty well together."

Remy reached for his sunglasses, but Veris grinned and took a step back.

"Nah, you'll get 'em back at the end of the game."

"M'kay, have it your way." Remy picked up the soccer ball that had been left in the center of the group. "You won the pick, so we get the ball first."

{I'd say Pietos is my favorite of the group of characters I created for this book, but there's a girlie named Talia who's on her way much later, with whom I am enamored. I don't even know how to describe her so y'all are gonna have to wait}

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