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{Possible trigger warnings: swearing, there's a snek (Dee), drugs mention, death mention

If I miss something, I apologize and please let me know}

One particularly warm day, Roman found another resident of the Sanctuary sprawled out by the stream. Nearly fifteen feet of sinewy body, curling itself in and out of the water in places. Brilliant white scales randomly patterned with yellow splotches, and similar yellow scales that wound their way up the left side of the human torso.

Roman had never seen a Naga before. They lived in groups, oftentimes in underwater caves. Something must have happened, that there was one by itself.

As he approached the stream, the giant snake being lifted his human half into a sitting position, tilting his head back.


Roman jumped, then huffed indignantly.

"Why is it that everyone feels the need to try and scare the crap out of me?" He demanded, crossing his arms.

"It's always fun to see how new blood reacts." The man standing in front of him grinned, flashing sharp fangs. "You're jumpy as hell, babes."

"Well I got human mosquitoes like you all over me. And I can't do anything without Virgil popping up-"

"Hey, Virgil and I are two very different beasts." The vampire shook his head. "I'm not a threat to you anyway."

Roman snorted. "Riiight. The super-strength and aggressive speeds you're capable of reaching couldn't put me in danger."

"Pah, that's not what I meant... Roman, right?"

Slowly, Roman nodded. "And you are?"

"Name's Remington, but that's too old fashioned so people just call me Remy. Or Sweetheart." Remy winked.

Roman snorted. "I'll pass."

"Fair enough. Whadaya say we get to know each other a little?"

Remy went over to the stream and kicked the Naga's tail lightly a couple times. "Budge over, Banana Peel."

"Oh piss off you nocturnal weirdo." The Naga rolled his eyes, but shifted himself over anyway. Remy snickered and sat down next to him.

"So it's true that you aren't affected by sunlight?" Roman asked as he joined them. "I've never been able to distinguish between what's fact and what's fiction, I've never met a vampire."

Remy pushed his sunglasses up the bridge of his nose a little. "Well, kinda. I sunburn like a white girl vacationing in Cali for the first time in her life. It won't kill me though."

"I locked him out of his cave once." The Naga commented. "The shade of red he turned was fantastic." 

Remy smacked him. "You're still on my sh*tlist for that."

"Not much has changed, then."

"I don't think we've met." Roman leaned forward, offering the Naga his hand. "I'm Roman."

"Hm. I don't care."

Roman glanced at Remy, who rolled his eyes. "No one knows his name. For the first week or so he told everyone he met a different one, so we just call him Dee now."


"Short for Deceit, Deception, D*ckhead-"

"Which only you and Virgil use." Dee added.

"I see." Roman eyed the Naga curiously. Dee blinked at him lazily and laid down on his back again, closing his eyes.

"You're very pretty." He commented after a moment.

A Home for Lost BoysTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang