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{Possible trigger warnings: swearing, a bit of s*xual innuendo (Remus is here), a bit of panic

If I miss something, I apologize and please let me know}

"Hey Silver, Remy's looking for you."

Roman looked up, and paid for it when he felt small teeth sink into his finger. He yelped and shook his hand on instinct, sending Nemo flying.

"Sh*t- sorry, buddy!"

The little skeleton hopped up and shook violently like a dog, making a little rattling sound. He scampered off and Roman got to his feet slowly.

"What'd you call me?"

Virgil shoved his hands in his pockets. "Silver. That's a werewolf thing, right?"

"Yeah." Roman rolled his eyes. "Unoriginal but accurate, I suppose."

"Oh because all of yours are perfect. You called me Fangs yesterday. I don't even have fangs." Virgil retorted. 

"Whatever. Where's Remy?"

The White Court inspected his nails. "Infirmary. Or the main entrance. Or the plaza."

"Fine. Don't tell me." Roman glared at him. "He's easy enough to find."

"Have fun."

Roman watched the White Court as he wandered farther into the Sanctuary, disappearing from sight.

"Irritating marshmallow-face." He grumbled, making his way back towards the main part of the Sanctuary.

It was a nice day, so everyone was out. Roman had to sidestep creatures every dozen feet, because sunbathing was the thing to do when possible.

Something thudded into his chest as he turned a corner, and he stumbled back a pace.

There was a very disgruntled blue dragon clinging to his shirt when he looked down. Roman grinned.

"Hi Logan."

Logan flashed his teeth in a growl, then scrambled up over Roman's shoulder and took off again. The force of the way he jumped shoved Roman forward.

"Ow." He muttered, rubbing his shoulder. "Maybe think about the fact that you have claws?"

After a few moments Roman figured out why Logan was so annoyed. Ali came zipping into view, flitting curiously from person to person.

"He went that way." Roman told her when she paused in front of him.

Ali beamed and flew in a circle around him. "Thanks, Roman!"

As she shot off, searching for the dragon-shifter, Roman spotted Remy loitering near the side of the infirmary.

They locked eyes and Remy pulled his tinted sunglasses down with his middle finger, flicking his gaze sideways in a clear 'come this way, meet me there' kind of gesture.

"Why the secrecy?" Roman asked as he joined the vampire under the branches of a large willow.

"Do you smell that?"

He raised his eyebrows. "Smell... what? I've been trying to ignore the scents, because otherwise they usually punch me in the face."

"I think you might want this one to punch you in the face." Remy shook his head. "It's a miracle no one else has noticed it yet. Or maybe they have and they just haven't said anything."

Roman frowned and closed his eyes.

It was a whole process, returning his attention to scents. Slowly, he began to pick certain people out, one by one eliminating them by assuring himself and his instincts that he knew them, recognized them.

Then suddenly it hit him, and Roman froze.

"Found it?" Remy asked darkly.

"What the- where the hell? It's too close- why is he here?"

"Is he who I think he is?" Remy leaned back on the willow's trunk. "I'm already getting the vibes."

"He uh-" Roman was short circuiting. He couldn't be here. No, not after the nightmares were finally starting to stop. "Sh*t, yeah that's him. Where is he?"

"Infirmary, I'd guess." Remy shrugged. "I don't know what you're gonna do, you can't just go in there and throw hands."

"I don't know but I have to do something. He can't be here, he'll tear this whole place apart."

Roman didn't listen to whatever it was that Remy muttered, because he was already darting through the willow branches.

He only got halfway to the infirmary before a figure popped up in front of him, making him skid to a stop in surprise.

"Where ya goin' so fast, Fido?"

Roman scoffed, glaring at the ghostly figure. "I have a name. And I don't answer to specters like you."

"Well I dunno your name, so lets start with that then!" The poltergeist grinned, whipping himself upside down so his feet stuck in the air. "I'll tell you mine! Remus."

"I'm Roman. Can I go now?" Roman rolled his eyes and tried to walk around him.

Remus whizzed around and got in front of him again, cackling. "No no no no no! I've got questions for you, Fido."

Roman growled, clenching his fists.

"Oooh, careful there. No fighting in the Sanctuary!" He began to circle Roman quickly. "Don't throw a punch, don't try to bite! Suppress your instincts, use all your might!"

"Leave me alone you nuisance."

Remus cackled, doing a cartwheel next to him. "Nuisance nonsense, it's such fun, you're a whiny, lazy nun!"

"That doesn't even make sense!"

"Why does it need to make sense?" Remus grinned at him. "There's no rhyme or reason, I just do things 'cause I can. Like this!"

He grabbed Roman's necklace and whipped it over his head in a heartbeat. Roman yelled and chased after him.

"Give it back you stupid sh*t!"

"Oh you gotta try harder than that!" Remus called over his shoulder, laughing. "Beg for me, baby!"

"You're a sick f*ck." Roman snarled.

Remus bounced over Dee, and suddenly the other resident provided a surprising assist by grabbing the poltergeist around the ankle and bringing him crashing to the ground.

"Give it back." Roman ordered, planting a foot on his chest. He was a bit surprised at how solid the fiend was, but he didn't dwell on it much.

Remus blew a raspberry and disappeared, leaving the necklace on the moss beneath him. Roman snatched it and held it to his chest.

"Irritating b*st*rd." He grumbled, putting it back on carefully. Dee snorted and stretched out again. 

Turning around, Roman set his shoulders and marched towards the infirmary. He'd been distracted for long enough.

Patton was just leaving as he approached, looking preoccupied. Roman wanted to pull him aside and ask, but he needed to confirm that he was right about this first.

The smell of the terror was overwhelming as Roman peeked around the corner into the infirmary. It took him a few moments, but finally he spotted him.

F*cking him.

Roman ducked outside.

"What the hell are you doing here, JJ?" He asked thin air quietly.

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