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{Possible trigger warnings: swearing, dagger, some fighting

If I miss something, I apologize and please let me know}

Virgil went back to the Sanctuary, while Logan stayed with Roman to attempt their recruitment idea.

"I don't know if they'll be in the same place they used to be, but I'm sure we'll be found sooner or later. Most of them will be able to smell me or sense me or- you know." Roman tugged his jacket shut tighter around himself.

"You aren't happy about this?"

He shrugged, looking down. "I left them on very bad terms."

"Oh, so this was your pack-"

Roman held up a hand. "Absolutely not. That's not how it works. We just happened to band together because we needed protection and we needed companionship... lot of good that did us."

Logan frowned at him. "Roman... is there anything I need to know about these people?"

"There was an accident, they hate me, they kicked me out." Roman shrugged. He technically wasn't lying.

He saw the dragonshifter's eyes flash sharply, the already brilliant blue brightening a few shades lighter. Logan didn't say anything.

"Lets just keep going, I want to be out of the city by daybreak so we need to work fast."

They reached the city quickly, and slipped into the suburbs on the West side. Roman took the lead, wandering in a general direction and trying to catch a scent.

"This is the house we stayed in, but it doesn't smell like them anymore...."

"So they're gone?" Logan raised his eyebrows.

"Maybe." Roman sighed. "I'll go check."

"Well I'm not staying here."

Roman looked at him and shrugged, then ghosted away across the house's small front lawn. He hopped the back fence, Logan following closely, and went out to the back, looking for the basement door.

It was open, and Roman paused. There was no reason for it to be ajar, which made him nervous.

"Stay close, keep your eyes peeled."

There was a small noise and then Roman felt claws gripping his shoulder, not hard enough to break skin but certainly tight.

"Ow." He complained, glaring at Logan. The dragon just blinked at him a few times.

Roman rolled his eyes and approached the door slowly, praying to anything that it wouldn't creak when he opened it. By some miracle, it didn't, so he tiptoed into the basement of the house.

It smelled like the people he was looking for, but the smells were stale. They hadn't been around for a while... had they left anything?

He stumbled forward a little as Logan hopped off his back, and spun around to glare at the little dragon. Logan flicked his tail and walked off to the side of the room. Roman sighed and moved forward, trying to keep every sense peeled.

Suddenly something bright shot out of the far door in the basement and slammed into his chest, sending him crashing backwards. Roman felt something painfully sharp against his neck and froze.

His attacker popped a pink bubble in his face.

"Ah. Talia. How lovely to see you." Roman swallowed nervously. Talia narrowed her eyes and pressed the thin dagger against his neck a little harder.

"You're breaking the rules, Garrat. Do you want me to dispatch you now or dump you at the feet of your successor?"

"Talia I swear-"

"Your word means nothing to me." Talia sneered. "I should kill you here and now."

"I would appreciate it if you removed your weapon from my guide's throat." Logan stepped out of the other room, now human again. "He may be irritating, but I need him."

Roman silenced the indignant noise that jumped up in his throat. Now was not the time.

"Your 'guide' is on ground he knows he should not be on." Talia looked up at him, though her blade didn't move. Roman shot Logan a silent plea for help.

"At my command and for my benefit." Logan's eyes flashed behind his glasses. "I'm going to ask you once more. Remove your weapon."

Talia's eyes flashed in response. "A shifter. What are you?"

Logan's voice was cold as he quietly challenged her. "Find out."

"We don't have time for this!" Roman grabbed Talia's wrist as she jumped upwards. "Talia, who's in charge now?"

"Sure as hell ain't you." Talia yanked her arm away, spinning her knife as she turned to Logan. "And I don't answer to you either."

"Talia." Roman scrambled to his feet. "I need your help."

The girl laughed derisively, flicking her braid over her shoulder. "I owe you absolutely nothing, traitor."

Logan raised his eyebrows and looked between the two. "Will this be a problem in our endeavor, Roman?"

Roman gritted his teeth, ignoring the dragonshifter for the moment. He made eye contact with Talia and slowly lifted his hands up, falling to his knees.

"There are a lot of things that were left unsaid. I have quite a lot to explain, and a lot to apologize for."

Talia's eyebrows shot upward, disappearing under her sandy bangs.

Roman took a deep breath. "I have an offer, because I need your help. The entire group, or anyone who will be willing to anyway. I can pay well, in a way... I wouldn't be here if I had any other options."

"What is this about, Garrat?" Talia asked slowly. "What the hell happened to you?"

Roman glanced over to Logan, who was watching with his arms crossed.

"I'm running scared, and I couldn't think of anyone else to come to. Logan's just here to prove to you that I'm telling the truth."

"Right, Logan." Talia looked over at him and fixed him with a sharp glare. "What kind of shifter are you? I've never seen eye-flash like that."

"Homo Sapiens Vitticeps Miniature."

Talia gasped, going wide-eyed. "I- I've never met a toy-size before. I thought you'd be smaller."

"Well a shifter's creature does not necessarily determine their size." Logan shrugged. "You're- what, a fairyshifter?"

"Tallest one in a while." Talia drew herself up to her full 5 foot 1. "Hang on... you're dangerous as sh*t."

"Correct." Logan said after a moment.

"And you're not exactly easy either." Talia nodded to Roman. "What the hell happened that you two are looking for help?"

Roman sighed heavily.

"JJ happened."

{It's my baby girl Tal 🥰}

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