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{Possible trigger warnings: discussion of injuries

If I miss something, I apologize and please let me know}

"You're going to be a little unsteady on your feet, there were some pretty bad bite marks on your left leg. But you will definitely be on your feet." Patton grinned, holding his hands up.

"Thank goodness. Your infirmary is one of the nicer ones I've ever been in, but a change of scenery would be nice." Roman carefully swung his legs over the side of the cot.

"Roman... I have to ask." Patton repacked his supplies as he spoke. "I know I said you don't have to stay- and you don't! It's completely up to you and you don't have any obligation. But whatever attacked you... whoever attacked you. They're still out there, aren't they?"

Roman shrugged, making a face. "I think I sent him over the edge of a cliff before I passed out."

Patton managed a small smile when he looked up, but then his expression dropped into seriousness. "Well I think we both know that your kind are much more resilient than they seem."

Roman nodded.

"You don't have to answer, but I would like to know if you want to tell. Are you planning on staying with us?"

"They won't come looking for me if I do. I'm sure they think I'm dead."

Patton shook his head quickly. "It's not a question of potential liability! I want to know if you'll be safe."

"I don't think people like me can be safe out there... I was thinking I would stay." Roman fiddled with the blanket on the bed absentmindedly. "I'm not sure how the other residents might take it, having a werewolf here. Even with the rules."

"Oh you'll be just fine, sweetheart."

Roman looked over his shoulder to try and find the voice that had just spoken.

Logan was walking towards them, followed by two unfamiliar faces. One of them carried the same semblance to Virgil, the scent that put Roman on edge. He didn't have time to say anything though, because Patton darted forward happily.

Logan stepped sideways. The other two laughed as Patton threw himself into them.

"Patty, you just saw us this morning." The woman kissed his forehead.

"Oh like you're complaining." The man laughed. "You'd let Patton hug you all day."

"Well of course! He's my baby."

Patton laughed. "See Pops? Mam loves me."

The man shoved him, shaking his head with a smile.

"Roman, these are my parents. They founded the Sanctuary together-"

"Well, Mar did." The man interjected. Patton ignored him.

"And passed it to me when they decided I was ready for it. Mam, Pops, this is Roman."

"Our newest member or a friend passing through?" Patton's mom asked, smiling.

"Newest member, I think." Roman offered a smile in return, slowly climbing to his feet. He was unsteady, like Patton had said he would be, but he could stand.

"Good call, Patty." She walked over to him, offering her hand. "You can call me Mam, most of the residents do."

Roman nodded slowly, shaking her hand. "Nice to meet you."

"That's what I said. Call me Pops."

Patton interposed himself between Roman and his dad quickly. "Roman, this would be the reason we have no problems with White Court."

"Ah, yes." Pops nodded, shoving his hands in his pockets. "You're the werewolf, aren't you?"

Roman nodded slowly, eyeing him.

He looked like a White Court through and through. Tall, pale, white-blond hair and blue eyes that were nearly grey. There was a natural sharpness to his smile, but he seemed friendlier than any White Court Roman had run into.

Next to Mam, Pops looked even paler. The two were polar opposites when it came to looks, light and dark, short and tall.

"Axe and I have known each other since we were sixteen." Mam laced her arm through her husband's. "A good, healthy, and competitive friendship that lead to a forty year marriage."

"And you never had a problem?" Roman frowned. He'd never heard of substitutions for White Court hunger.

"Well we had some issues at first, but Mar is incredibly smart and as soon as she figured out what the problem was she was on it." Pops smiled. 

Roman nodded slowly.

"Patton asked us to come and meet you before you went outside. The other residents may be wary of you at first, considering who you are, but they've learned to accept everyone else and in time they will with you." Mam said gently. "Treat them with respect and you will receive the same treatment."

"Thank you." Roman glanced at Logan and Patton as well. Patton offered him a thumbs up and Logan just nodded.

"Well, lets get you introduced to everyone!" Mam suggested. "I'm sure you'll make fast friends with quite a few of them."

Roman smiled, ignoring the little hiss of irritation that echoed in the back of his mind. He could still imagine Virgil's bored sneer.

Patton was the first to the double doors at the end of the hall, throwing them open excitedly. Rather than follow him, Logan shifted into a sapphire colored dragon about the size of a large housecat. He hopped up onto a bed, then from there it was a quick leap to Pops' shoulder. The White Court laughed and scratched his scaly chest for a moment.

Roman followed the matriarch of the Sanctuary as she walked out of the building. He was surprised to get a ray of sunlight straight to the face as soon as he stepped outside.

"Lads, lasses, and nonbinary masses," Pops announced loudly, getting the attention of the assorted creatures standing there. 

Roman felt eyes on him and grinned. He'd never been one to shy away from attention.

"We've got a new one. I expect you'll treat him well, remember you all abide by the same rule. This is Roman."

Roman didn't even have a chance to speak before a small, bright being was flitting in his face.

"HI! I'm Ali and I love talking to new people- did you live near here? How are you feeling? I heard Patton say you were hurt pretty bad- were you fighting?"

Roman blinked a few times at the fairy, then chuckled. She reminded him of someone. He held his hand up, extending one finger.

"Well hello there Ali. Need a perch?"

{Hello darkness my old friend

I wrote this out at one am}

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