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{Possible trigger warnings: Roman swears a lot, talking about murder/the k word

If I miss something, I apologize and please let me know}

Roman hesitated outside the house. Like most buildings in the Sanctuary, it was built out of trees that had been coaxed into growing tightly together to form thick walls, intertwining and stretching up before tightening together to form the roof, and then going off their separate ways.

He pushed away the apprehension building in his chest. Having JJ in the Sanctuary was a death sentence. He knew it better than anybody and he couldn't just stand by and let it happen.

Patton opened the door just as Roman went to knock on it. "Oh! Hi Roman!"

"Patton, we need to talk." Roman frowned, shoving his hands in his pockets. "Somewhere private would be best."

"I'm a bit busy at the moment, Roman, could it wait an hour?" Patton held up the medical kit he was carrying. He must have been going to his house to retrieve something from it.

"It really can't, actually." He shifted from foot to foot. "It's kinda a security thing."

"Well then you'll have to talk to me about it while I walk back to the infirmary." Patton smiled. "Let's get going!"

He turned and walked off, and Roman groaned under his breath before darting after him.

"Patton, I need to tell you this before you go back in there! It's important."

"I'm sure it is, Roman, but I have an injured newbie who needs medical attention-"

"That's what I need to talk about!" 

Patton paused and turned to look at him, the tiniest frown crossing his face. "Is something wrong?"

"Yes!" Roman exclaimed, exasperated. He already had a sinking feeling in his chest that this wasn't going to work out the way he wanted it to. "Patton you can't let him stay here!"

The healer sighed and shook his head, starting to walk again. "Roman, I know that he's a werewolf, and you guys get territorial-"

"That's not the problem." Roman was starting to feel panic in his chest. They were getting close to the infirmary, too close for him to bring up the matter without JJ hearing. He grabbed Patton's arm to stop him and leaned in, hissing quietly.

"Patton, that man- that thing in there is the b*st*rd who nearly killed me."

Patton chewed his lip, sighing. "I was worried you were going to say that."

"You can't keep him here!" Roman insisted quietly, still holding Pattons arm. "He's nothing but trouble and he's a danger to everyone here. He's not here to do anything good."

Patton shook his head. "That's not how the Sanctuary works."

"The Sanctuary won't make an exception for a cold-blooded killer?" Roman finally let go, staring at him. "Patton. He's dangerous."

"Everyone here is dangerous-"

"Don't give me that bullsh*t." Roman crossed his arms angrily. "This isn't Virgil, this isn't Remy. This is a disgusting beast of a person who's killed more people than live here."

Patton gave him a stern look and Roman knew he was going to lose this fight.

"Fine." He snapped, fuming. "But I'm not the kind to keep an I Told You So moment quiet, so be ready to hear that when he turns on us."

"Roman." Patton said quietly. 

"No. Don't tell me to look forward, don't tell me to dismiss his past." Roman flicked his furious gaze to the infirmary for a moment, wishing the entire thing would just light on fire with JJ inside of it. "If there was anyone who doesn't belong here, it's him."

He whirled and stalked away, fuming silently.

"Didn't go well I take it."

Roman let out an annoyed sigh. "What the hell am I supposed to do, Logan? He's a wildcard at best, and he's never at his best, not when he could be doing the things he wants to."

The dragonshifter shrugged and turned back into his smaller form, taking off and winging towards the infirmary.

"Set the motherf*cker on fire." Roman muttered angrily.

Every mocking jibe he'd ever heard leave JJ Thompson's self-obsessed, overconfident, irritating mouth was ringing through his mind again. Every sneer, dozens of threats, laughter as Roman lost people close to him.

There never had been a person that Roman hated more, and there never, ever would be.

"Hell on Earth. That's what we're gonna see here." He muttered to himself. "Hell on Earth, death of innocents, mass destruction. And I know it, but of course no one's listening to Roman!"

He threw his hands in the air, mocking Patton's tone. "Everyone is dangerous- this is a different kind of dangerous. This is cold-hearted murder in a man's eyes and what do I get for trying to warn everyone? A slap on the wrist for being un-inclusive. F*cking bullsh*t."

He opened the door of his little hut and screamed.

"Why is he here?" Virgil demanded, grabbing Roman's shirt and dragging him inside. Roman took a few breaths, calming himself from the irrational panic that had gripped him at suddenly finding a White Court three inches from his face.

"He's stinking the whole place up- he smells like death y'know, pure death. It's disgusting." Virgil complained, crossing his arms angrily and pacing. "What is he doing?"

"How the hell am I supposed to know?" Roman hissed. "Patton won't listen to me, I tried to warn him and he brushed me off with that 'everyone's dangerous' bullsh*t."

Virgil shot him a semi-annoyed smirk. "Well he's completely right, but some kinds of dangerous are not worth having around."

~~~ Two Days Later ~~~

"Everyone please give a nice warm Sanctuary welcome to our newest resident, JJ Thompson." 

Roman sulked at the back of the crowd, glaring at the man. JJ had the nasty smile plastered on his face, the one he reserved for people who he needed in his good books. 

Roman knew from experience. That smile was for people he thought were lower than him on the ladder of life.

"I thought you were bad." Virgil commented quietly from beside him. "At least you don't smell like a rotting corpse."

Roman allowed himself a quiet snarl. "One of us will be out within a week."

"What? Why?"

"He knows I'm here and he knows how much I hate him. He'll come after me one way or another and it'll just depend on how one of us can play it over the other."

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