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{Possible trigger warnings: discussion of death, mention of bodies, swearing, alcohol/drinking mentions, nightmare mentions

If I miss something, I apologize and please let me know}

~~~Three Months Later~~~

Roman hunkered down a little more on the low tree branch he was sitting on, pulling his jacket around himself as the wind picked up a little. He watched the central clearing of the Sanctuary in silence.

"When did you become Batman? Sitting up here all broody and sh*t." A tiny voice asked. Roman didn't flinch.

"I'm not in the mood, Talia."

"You never are." Talia slouched against the tree trunk, snapping her fingers and conjuring two bottles. "Want some?"

Roman eyed it for a moment, then shook his head. "You're turning into an alcoholic, y'know."

"Don't judge my coping mechanisms when you're sitting up here in a tree like a cat that chased a squirrel and got stuck." Talia stuck her tongue out and one of the beers disappeared from her hand. She flicked the cap of the other and it disappeared as well. "Sure you don't want any?"


They sat in silence for a few minutes, Roman still watching the clearing. Dilly was out sunning themselves, and several other residents were using them as a space heater. Dee was curled up on their side, Pietos and Nina sat tucked against their stomach chatting, and Roman could just barely see Bree and Ali having a fairy version of a picnic on the wyvern's head as they slept.

"You know something, Roman?" Talia sat up a little, her now empty beer bottle disappearing into thin air as she dropped it off the tree branch. "We're all here for you."

"I do know that." Roman said quietly. Nina glanced up at him and he nodded to her. She raised an eyebrow and turned back to Pietos.

"You don't f*ckin' act like it."

"Do you only drink around me so you can excuse your behavior?"

Talia rolled her eyes. "No, actually, the world doesn't revolve around you Garrat."

"No it doesn't." Roman sighed heavily. "If it did, I wouldn't have lost two of my best friends."

Their little tree branch got quiet for a minute. Talia finally sighed, knocked back the rest of her beer, and vanished the bottle.

"I'm sorry man." She said quietly, patting his shoulder before shifting into her fairy form and taking off.

Roman hunched in on himself, staring off into nothing. He was exhausted, but he hadn't been able to sleep for more than three hours at a time without having terrifying nightmares. JJ was prevalent among them, as were Virgil and Patton's bodies. He hated it.

"Hey Hairball." Someone tapped his foot. Roman flinched and shook his head quickly.

"Don't call me that."

When he looked down, Nina was standing beneath him. She motioned for him to come down, and when Roman shook his head, a strange tendril made of very thin bones shot out of the ground and grabbed his ankle.

"Why can't you leave me alone?" Roman complained as he dropped down, managing to land on his feet with only a moment of stumbling.

"Walk with me." Nina turned and began to move away. The tone she used clearly wasn't going to take no for an answer.

Roman followed her, hunching his shoulders and keeping his eyes on the ground in front of them.

"Pietos has an herb in their garden that grants dreamless sleep. You'll want to ask them for some." Nina said quietly after a few minutes. Roman grunted, then glanced at her.

"Did you know Dannan could do that?"

"I don't think anyone knew." She sighed. "Maybe Thompson did, but the rest of us? No."

Roman kicked at the dirt.

"How are you feeling?"

When he looked up, Nina wasn't even watching him. Roman rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. "Why do you care?"

"Because trauma's a b*tch and I'm sure you feel like sh*t."

Nina stopped, grabbing Roman's arm lightly. "Listen. I know me saying it won't do f*ck all, but you did what you could, and you saved a lot of the people here. You're a good man, and sh*t happens."

"I got people killed."

"Sh*t happens." She repeated, nodding. "I'm sorry about it, Roman. But your best bet is living for them, because you can't bring them back."

When Roman didn't say anything, Nina pulled him into a hug.

That broke him. He hugged her back, crying into her shoulder. Nina didn't say anything else, just gently patting his back.

"I'm going into town, you want to come with?" She asked when Roman had finally calmed down. 

Roman made a face, then wiped his eyes. "Why?"

"Why what?"

"Why are you going?" He frowned. "And why do you want me to go?"

"Well I'm going because this place doesn't have Rockstars and I need gross caffeine drinks." Nina shrugged. 

"And...?" Roman prompted after a moment.

"Why do I want you?" She tilted her head. "Company, amusement, I usually get myself into something stupid and-or dangerous. You're the Protector, after all."

Roman sighed and nodded, his hand drifting to the necklace he was wearing. "Right. Protector... let me get my other jacket. It's cold out."

Nina nodded and clapped him on the shoulder once. "I'll meet you at the front gate."

The two walked away from each other, heading towards their own homes. Roman switched his jacket, then paused before heading out. He picked up the little watering can and stepped into the alcove in the corner.

Two small plants sat on a small table covered with a thin white lace tablecloth. One was a bright yellow sunflower in a blue pot, the other was a dark purple iris in a black pot. 

"Hello." Roman said quietly, watering each plant a little and crouching in front of them. "Patton, your mother showed me a new spell yesterday. I'm not too good at it yet, but I'll get better... Virgil, I don't have a star myth, but I realized I do have one about afterlives... I hope you like your flower, if you can see it."

He stood up and set the watering can back on the stool it stayed on.

"Rest well."

Roman stepped out into the afternoon, just as the sun peeked out from behind a cloud. He took a slow, deep breath as the light hit him, closing his eyes for a moment.

The Sanctuary was a world of its own, in many ways. It was home, and Roman would protect his home.

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