3. Let's Have A Talk

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■ Short Chapter Ahead!!

Sneha's Residence

Sneha was curled up like a bear in her bed sobbing lightly. After her interaction with Vivek, He and his family gave their regards and left. Everyone was curious as to what happened between them. Because ever since they had left Sneha was locked up in her room.

Suddenly the door of her room opened revealing Mr Anand.

"Sneha Beta(Child) are you awake? Are you sleeping? How was it with Vivek-- Sneha what's wrong are you crying?" Her father asked.

As soon as those words left her Father's mouth she started crying loudly.

"D-a-d" she hiccuped. "Dad he is a very bad person. He is so rude, mean and"

Sneha couldn't even complete her sentence and again  started crying loudly.

"Don't cry dear please you are my precious daughter please don't cry. I can't see you like this. Relax let's have a talk." Mr Anand said and pulled his daughter in a warm hug.

"You have brought so much happiness and love to our lives. You have made our family complete, and I can't wait until you experience the same. I know I am being selfish but this is the wish of this father Beta(Child). Don't think that we doubt your capabilities .

NO! rather I am proud of everything you have done in your life and the woman you have become. I know you have your aspirations but beta you can fulfill those dreams after Marriage also." He made Sneha understood.

"Dad I can do anything for you. It's not like I don't trust you or your decision it's just that I am feeling reluctant towards this marriage." Sneha said.

"Sneha I promise I won't pressurise you but before complaining about him and the situation, you should give yourself and him a chance. When you go to meet Vivek again go with a aim of befriending him and enjoy your time with him."  Her father said.

"Okay Dad." Sneha replied understanding his concern for her. Mr Anand hugged his daughter and left the room before pecking her forehead.


Vivek's Residence

It had already been 2 hours of his visit from Sneha's Home. Currently Vivek was busy writing something in his laptop. He was so immersed in his work that he didn't noticed his mother coming inside.

"Vivek let's have a talk." She said.

"Mom, please I am busy." Vivek said but was interrupted by his mother.

"Do you love anyone else, if that's the case then I will personally talk to Mr and Mrs Anand." Mrs Bakshi asked.

"What? No mom there is nothing like that." He replied immediately.

"Then what is the reason Beta(Child)?"

"Mom she is arrogant, egositic. She was only arguing with me and----"

"Vivek are you a small child. You even argue with us some time but does that mean we call you arrogant."

Vivek's mother took his rough hands in her soft ones and said,

"Only Love is not sufficient for a successful marriage. Understanding, compatibility, trust, respect, commitment, support are also necessary for a long and happy marriage.

Before complaining about her. You should give yourself and her a chance. Try and understand her, befriend her and then decide if you want to marry her or not. After few days we'll again have this talk and then you can tell me your decision." Vivek's Mother said.

"Fine Mom, Just for you." Vivek replied and hugged her.


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