7. Bored

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Third Person POV

Sneha and Vivek were going on their honeymoon trip to Maldives.
They were going by air and had Completed all the customs and other formalities before going on Plane. Their plane was ready for flight. It was a very big and spacious airplane and Soon it began to move. It was Vivek's parents who had surprised them with two tickets to Maldives. They also had booked a honeymoon suite in advance for them.

It had been only one hour and Sneha was already bored. If you ask why, then it's because Vivek was busy doing work in his Laptop. Sneha started poking him and tried her level best to gain his attention, but it all fell on his deaf ears.

To say Sneha was annoyed would be an Understatement. Soon an idea came in her super fast mind and she started smirking internally.

"Um excuse me, if you don't mind can i have that magazine." Sneha asked her co passenger.

"Yeah! sure why not." He replied.

"Thanks, So nice of you."

Sneha turned towards Vivek to see if he is watching her but to her extreme disappointment Vivek was still busy in his work.

"If you don't mind, are you also going to Maldives." Her co passenger asked.

"As far as I know this flight goes to Maldives right, then I also would be going to the same."

Sneha said annoyingly. She did not wanted to sound rude, she just wanted to have Vivek's attention.

"No-no I didn't mean----"

"I am sorry for sounding rude. Yes I am going to Maldives on my honeymoon with my husband who is busy in his work." Sneha spoke loudly .


"So, What's your name? Are you also going on a holiday?" Sneha asked out of curiosity.

"Oh! my name is Vikram and actually I work in a Private company as a Sales Manager and I am going to Maldives for a Business Deal. I can't tell how hard it was for me to get in that Company. It had been a very long ride for me and finally they have trusted me enough to Crack this deal on my own." Vikram replied.

"You've worked really hard for it and I'm sure you'll continue to do many more great things."

Sneha said genuinely but she was unaware that her statement had caused someone to snap his head from his Laptop towards her direction.

"Thankyou so much, by the way I didn't get your name?"

" I am Sneha--"

"Sneha Bakshi wife of Vivek Bakshi." Vivek said glaring towards Vikram.

To say Sneha was shocked would be an understatement. It was the the least when she expected Vivek to respond .

"You are a very lucky man, your wife is very sweet. At first I thought she is unmarried and-------"

Vikram said but was cut off by Vivek.

"Much for your dislike she is my wife and I am her husband." Vivek said, Pulling Sneha towards himself.

"And I know how lucky I am. I am very thankful to her for being a part of my boring life and bearing me." Vivek said looking in her eyes.

Sneha was jumping internally with joy. She was getting a jittery feeling in her belly. Finally, she got what she wanted. Vikram didn't say anything and got back to reading newspaper.

"I am sorry, it was something very important which I had to finish." Vivek said apologetically.

"It's Okay, because as far as I know we are going for a Business Meeting. Right?" Sneha asked raising her eyebrows.

"You are missing out this fact that I was trying to complete my work just because we could enjoy our honeymoon properly. But if you don't like it, then it's okay I'll not work right now but in Maldives, Okay?-----"

"No-no Just complete your work so that we can enjoy our honeymoon." Sneha huffed out.

"I see you are really excited for our honeymoon." Vivek said making Sneha shy.

"I have already completed my work , let's order something to eat , you must be hungry." Vivek said making her happy that finally she won't get bored.

It had been some time, Sneha and Vivek had their lunch after that they talked a bit. They both were very excited for this trip and were looking forward to it. Currently Sneha was sleeping and was cuddling Vivek. On the other hand Vivek was looking at her lovingly.

Vivek didn't know why he reacted like that. Was he jealous? Maybe! The truth is he didn't want to  accept the change blooming in his heart because he was scared of these new feelings.



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