6. A New Beginning

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Third Person POV

Sneha's mouth dropped open in awe as her eyes traced a trail of rose petals, dimmed lights and candles.

Sneha's mouth dropped open in awe as her eyes traced a trail of rose petals, dimmed lights and candles

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Sneha was feeling tired because of the heavy dress and gold ornaments she was wearing . She slowly made her way towards the bed and sat down there for a while.

She was sad about leaving her family, Scared about the new life she was going to start but there was one thing which was bothering her. She did not want to consummate their marriage today. It was not like she was uncomfortable with Vivek, but they were just starting to get to know each other. They had a long way to go. She was deeply immersed in her thoughts that she didn't notice a tired Vivek entering the room.

"Wow these people have surely done a great job!" Vivek exclaimed while entering inside the room. He approached Sneha and sat beside her.

"What are you thinking?" Vivek asked.

"Nothing" Sneha mumbled.

"Oh! Okay, then let's start." Vivek whispered

"What start? what are you saying?" Sneha squeaked.

Vivek slowly moved forward, scaring the shit out of Sneha. Her back collided with the wall, she squeezed her eyes shut and was apprehensive of Vivek's next step. Vivek was trying very hard to control his laughter. He cupped her cheeks slowly caressing her face with his thumb.

"What did you thought, that I will force myself upon you or I would try to get intimate with you. I was just teasing you and I'm sorry if I scared you. I understand that you are feeling scared and I respect your decision a lot. I won't do anything which will make you feel uncomfortable. Also, I want us to be friends who understand each other and respect each other's decisions and privacy. You might be missing your family but don't worry you have me and my family with you." Vivek confessed.

Sneha was left cupid-struck by his words because the man in front of Sneha, had won her respect.

"Okay, you go and get fresh, then we'll watch a movie or something." Vivek said.

After some time they both were engrossed in a conversation laughing and giggling at each other and ended up watching a movie.


Sneha was snuggled up against Vivek's chest, While he was holding her firm in his arms. It was already past Morning, and the sun was shinning brightly. Sneha started squirming in sleep , her eyes opened because of the bright light . She tried moving but was pulled towards something hard.

She was dumbfounded for a second, but then realization hit her and she started blushing. Sneha was in arms of Vivek, his hairs were messy and was looking adorable while sleeping. She started thinking about events of yesterday how Vivek made her comfortable and was genuinely curious about her likes and dislikes. She really felt at ease and was enjoying herself. That is what every girl wants right? A friend in her husband.

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