12. JOB

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Sneha and Vivek were back from their trip. They arrived few days back. Although their trip was short but they truly enjoyed together. When there is Trust, Honesty, Respect for your partner then time spend together doesn't matter. However these few days taught Sneha that how much time is important. She could rarely get any quality time with Vivek.

Vivek was busy as a beaver these days. He used to work till 7:00 p.m. or later in the evening, then comes home with work still on his mind. They both couldn't have a proper talk, even after dinner Vivek used to take his Laptop and work furiously.

It was only yesterday that Vivek told Sneha about his sudden business trip.

Sneha agrees that she will certainly miss him when he will be gone but she also agrees that it is important.

Currently Sneha was packing Vivek's clothes and pacing around the whole room. There was something very important that she wanted to discuss with Vivek but was not getting the perfect opportunity to do so.
She was really nervous as to how will Vivek react and what would be his answer, she didn't wanted to accept this fact but yes his answer really effected her. It was the most important decision of her life and she wanted to share it with him.

Suddenly she was interrupted from her thoughts by a loud knock on the door.

"Sneha may I come in?" A tired voice asked from outside.

Sneha was really amused by Vivek's actions. He always used to knock on the door before entering, when Sneha asked him one day as to why he does this he told her that it was now her room also and he did not want to disturb her privacy. She really wonders some time that can a person like him really exist, he always used to win her heart by these liitle unexpected gestures.

"Umm yeah come in" she replied.

Vivek came inside the room and and plop Dow on the bed. He was really worn out and wanted nothing but rest.

"Vivek" He hummed and signalled Sneha to Continue.

"Vivek---I--I want to say something, it's very important."

He again hummed and nodded her to continue.

"Vivek I-I-------ihaveappliedforajob." Sneha blurted out in a go hoping that he understood.

"What? What are you trying to say Sneha, can you be a little slower."

He said now sitting comfortably on the bed facing her.

"Vivek I have applied for a job."

She said closing her eyes, she did not wanted to face him------ because she was afraid of his response. It had been few minutes and none of them uttered a single word. She opened her eyes and saw him staring at her. His eyes were holding a very unknown expression which was making her nervous.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

And this was it, she was afraid of what Vivek will say next. What if he gets angry with her and denies her to work. She thought and before he could say anything further she rambled.

"Vivek please don't get angry, I wanted to tell you this in fact I was dying to share it with you but I couldn't do so. You were so busy in your work that i never got that perfect opportunity to tell you."

Vivek continued staring at her and didn't said anything making Sneha scared.


"Calm down." He finally spoke.
Vivek took her soft hands in his own firm ones and said

"Sneha I am really proud of you and happy for you as well. It's such a great news that you have applied for a job and I am not at all angry at you. I know how badly you wanted this and don't worry I will always support you. I am really sorry because of my hectic schedule we couldn't have a proper talk, but I want to spend this time with you now. Before I go, let's talk our hearts out."

Suddenly Sneha hugged Vivek tightly, bawling her eyes out. Vivek couldn't understand what was happening, he was shocked because of Sneha's gesture. Soon he came back to reality and rubbed her back gently. The whole night he kept on comforting Sneha, talking and laughing at each other.

Vivek didn't said but his eyes spoke how much love and admiration he held for Sneha.


Sneha was laying on her bed while thinking about Vivek. He had left this morning for his trip leaving her alone. She did not wanted to accept but she felt a tug at her heart when he was leaving. The whole day she occupied herself in the house cores. It was now that she was feeling elated------if you ask why then it was because she got a call from the Company asking her to appear for the interview. But at the same time she was extremely anxious. Her interview was tomorrow and numerous questions were occupying her brain like how will be the atmosphere of the office, how will be interviewee, what will he ask, will she be accepted etc. However she concluded it's better not to worry about the future and let sleep took over her.


The next morning Sneha got ready, took her Elders blessings and made her way towards the Company. As she reached Batra Industries, she noticed that it was a huge building having approximately 15 floors. It was a modern building with a big yard in front of it. She made her way inside the Elevator and reached 10th floor where her interview would be held. Sneha approached the receptionist and asked about her interview. She was told to wait for a few minutes as someone else's interview was going on.

As She made herself comfortable on the chair, her phone pinged showing a notification. As soon as she read the message a smile came on her face.

I know we have not talked since I came here, and I am really sorry for that but I just want to say that I trust you and I know that you can do it. I know you would kill it.
All the very best my lovely wife.


Vivek's message caused a fluttery sensation in her stomach, her heart was racing. She was really happy that Vivek remembered it was her interview today and took his time out from his work and messaged her. Especially the way he mentioned wife, her heart leaped into her throat, she wanted to scream like a child but controlled herself. For any married couple it would be just a simple thing but for her it was something very different. She was not in love with him---- not until now------ but was now definitely falling for him.

She was now sure that nothing was going to stop her and she would definitely kill the Interview.


Hello Everyone.

Please Ignore the mistakes done in this chapter, I have written this in a hurry.

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