60. [final]

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Rmb to read my note at the end! ❤️❤️❤️ thank you dudes 💕🙈

Chae Eun's P.O.V


"Hello?" - i answered.

"Hey Chae Eun! How are you?" - Hyun Rin said happily. I smile.

"I'm great! And you? Am i getting any good news from you today?" - i asked. Hyun Rin laughs.

"I'm doing well. In fact, I do have good news." - she said, with small giggles.

"Alright, how many months are you pregnant?" - i asked.

"Uh... 2 months..."

"Oh my god. Seriously? I was just saying it without knowing it's serious." - i said, taken aback a little.

Hyun Rin laughs. "Congratulations Hyun Rin~ I'm so happy for you." - i said, smiling widely.

"Thank you Chae Eun. So with that news, I invited our friends to celebrate!" - she said happily. Jimin and Hyun Rin loves bringing our friends to their house. Probably because they are very very close.

"When? Girls night?" - i asked.

"No, not a girls night. Everyone will be there. When? Tonight!"

"Tonight? Why didn't you call me earlier, Hyun Rin? I have a company meeting tonight." - i said, sighing.

"Aw man. You always can't make it." - Hyun Rin said, sighing.

"It's not that I don't want to. You know I'd love to come over and celebrate but... you should have told me a few days earlier." - i said, sighing again.

"I'm sorry. Next time, I'll tell you earlier. It's so sad and boring that you can't join us." - she said.

"I'm sad too. But, next time okay? I'll buy presents too." - i said.

"Aww thank you Chae. Alright, take care."

"You too~" - i said and end the call. I feel so so bad for lying. I don't wanna go because i know Min Yoongi will be there. I don't wanna like or love him no more. I've live 2 months without him and I totally have forgotten about him. And i want it to stay that way. I don't know what he's up to but i feel like he is living very well without me. I have Seok Woo now. That's all matters. No, he's not my boyfriend. But we're getting there.

As much as I'm still hurt about Yoongi, i feel like he is never meant for me. I feel like Seok Woo might be the one. Who knows right? We don't plan all these. If Yoongi is never meant for me, then I'll just have to accept it even if my heart hurts so bad. I guess Seok Woo will heal my broken heart. I'll be meeting him tonight, for dinner. We've went to a few dates, and it's so so fun. I don't know where he's bringing me tonight, but I'm sure it will be worth it.

Chae Yong? She's doing well. She asks about her father a lot of times, but as usual, i gotta lie. She doesn't seem like she's sad for not meet him. She kinda brush it off. I wish i could tell her what really happen but I don't want her to have a bad impression of her own father. Let me just lie, be the bad person as of now. But one day, when she's older and mature, I'll tell her the full tea.


Ermahgawd dinner! More to supper. We decide to go on a midnight date. I got ready, putting on black high waisted jeans with black and white stripped crop top, putting on vans and i left my house while grabbing my important stuff. I got in my car and drives to the restaurant that Seok Woo told me. As i was driving, my phone rings.

While driving, i carefully take my phone out of my bag. I answered it without looking at the id. "Hello?"


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