Chapter 1- Here we go

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(Angel up top but like super short)

Angels POV

It was just me, mommy, daddy and my brother Tyler. We were all watching movies in our own separate house from the pack. Until all of a sudden we heard a loud yelp from outside. My daddy went outside to look, I still don't know what he saw but he turned around with horror displayed on his face and told our mommy to take us and run to the pack where they could protect us. Then he ran outside and I never saw him again.

Mommy grabbed us both and we sprinted towards the pack house and we almost made it too until mommy got tackled by a big wolf, my brother was already at the pack house, we were only behind him because I tripped and mommy had to help me up.

The big wolf didn't see me and he started mind linking mommy asking where I was, specifically for me. The whole pack heard him link that and I'm assuming they were just as confused as me. My mommy screamed and told me to run to Tyler and get inside and that's exactly what I did. I didn't help and I didn't tell her I love her...I sprinted as fast as I can with tears in my eyes and mud all over my new pink dress mommy had bought me earlier that day. Tyler and I made it inside safely and hid with the other children downstairs in the cold, metal basement.


I woke up in a cold sweat like I normally do after having the same dream I always have. I got out of bed and realized it was 4am anyways and that I should get up.

I put on a pair of grey sweatpants and a short sleeved shirt and ran downstairs to start cooking the regular Wednesday breakfast before everyone's training. Bacon, eggs and orange juice and before you ask, every single person in this pack trains, the girls, the children, everybody. Besides me of course, the Alpha, who is also my age, banned me from training because I am too weak and if we are attacked I will be the one to be sacrificed to keep peace between the lands. So that's pretty nice to hear, isn't it?

I then swept the floors and picked up all the cans, bottles and plastic cups from last nights party. They party practically every night but only because we just graduated and they're all taking advantage of the free time, even though I know they'll get tired of it eventually. As everybody came downstairs and helped themselves to breakfast I took my opportunity to go and take a shower.

(After her shower)

After I had my shower I obviously got dressed and just let my hair air dry. I then headed downstairs to go clean up after all those pigs. While I was walking down the stairs, Britney ended up being right at the very bottom flirting with a boy. You see, Britney I hear is one of the strongest she-wolves in the pack and she very much enjoys picking on the weaker omegas, such as me specifically. I'm assuming she and this other wolf skipped training to do other things. The Alpha doesn't care that much if Britney skips because she gives it to him on a daily basis.

"Oh hey slut" Britney said to me breaking me out of my thoughts

"What do you want Britney?" I asked her

"Don't fucking talk to me that way" she told me then slapped me across the face

"I'm sorry" I said and bowed my head in submission

"What are you doing down here, you already know we don't like seeing you out of your room." She said glaring at me

"I was just going to clean up the mess from breakfast" I said, still looking down at the floor.
She roughly grabbed my chin with her sharp fake nails and lifted up my head to look at her.

"Listen to me and listen very carefully, after you clean up that fucking mess you will go upstairs and stay in your fucking room until someone wants you for something. We're having an early party for the Alphas birthday and I don't want your ugly ass ruining it so go finish cleaning that fucking mess and leave." She said letting god of my face and walking away into a room with that guy.

I walked into the dining room where there were a bunch of empty plates with some crumbs leftover on it. Thank god, I haven't eaten for about two or three days now. They don't really let me eat because I'm too fat. My wolf doesn't even have enough energy to talk to me anymore and I can't shift into her either but I know deep down she's trying her very best to hang in there.

I took all the plates and scraped the leftovers onto another plate then washed everything else. I quickly ate all of the scraps then grabbed a bottle of water and shoved it into my sweatpants because if I get caught with it I know I'll be in really big trouble. I really need to run now before everyone comes in from training, I normally have to be done by the time they're back or else... you know.

I ran up the stairs with my water bottle and locked the door. It's only about 11:00 am which means I have to find myself something to occupy myself with until dinner or until I'm allowed to come out like Britney said. So I started sketching whatever thought came to my mind, which is normally pictures of my wolf on a large rock lying down with another giant wolf like mine on it next to me, I normally draw myself with this wolf and I don't really know why. I guess it's just from a movie I saw one time that I might have just forgotten.

Sooooo ya that's my first official chapter and I hope you have enjoyed it. There's lots more to come and hopefully just as good as this. Anyways,


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