Chapter 12- Hi

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Mates POV

I was out sitting in my seat with the rest of the pack and even though all of us disagree with executions the guards insist on it, they think that if we have a rogue in our prison for too long they should be executed, somehow I never hear about these rogues in the prison. The guards said they told me about this one but I just forgot and it's been 5 years sooooo. I guess this is happening.

All the girls were sitting around me just swooning over me and fighting each other to get even closer than they already were when I smelt that smell from earlier I know that's my mate. She's here somewhere and I just know it! I just need to know where. Darren came out and did a speech, man I hate Darren he's so creepy and weird but I was really too focused on this smell than his stupid speech. Then they opened the curtains and there sat the most beautiful, innocent looking girl ever. She didn't look dangerous, she looked like she wanted to die, like she just wanted to leave and that she didn't care anymore. That's the one I smell.

"Any last words?" John asked and I quickly stood up still looking at her worriedly.

"Mate." She said.

"Uh ok." He said and I ran to the stage to stop him but it was done.

He just killed my mate.


Sapphires POV

I open my eyes and I'm laying in a field of beautiful multi coloured flowers. The clouds were beautifully shaped and looked fluffy like cotton candy. I stood up and looked at myself, I'm in my favourite dress, it was blue and had little red, orange and yellow flowers on it. Mom bought it for me. Where am I?

"Sweetie" I heard a heavenly voice say calmly behind me. I turn around to see a beautiful woman with blond hair standing next to a man with a little scruffy beard and brown hair also taller than the woman next to him.

"Mommy? Daddy?" I asked tears welling in my eyes while running towards them and hugging them.

"We missed you so much my darling, I'm so so sorry for what you had to go through. It wasn't your fault." My dad said to me gently rubbing my back as I hugged them both.

"We've always been watching dear, and we don't know why everyone has treated you this way. We believe you deserve the world." My mom said to me, releasing me from her embrace and looking me in the eyes.

"But sweetie you can't stay here.0" She said.

"What do you mean? I want to stay." I said while looking at her confused and then my dad looked at me.

"Darling even though those bad men tried to kill you and most likely would have killed a regular wolf, you still have to go back. I know it will be hard but you have a purpose and you're the most powerful being alive, you might not understand anything right now but you are not a regular wolf that is why we have to send you back. You aren't dead, you were just close to it which gave us the opportunity to see you, now sweetheart, you are a very strong lady and we love you with all our hearts but it's our time to go." My dad finished saying.

"Please don't leave me." I pleaded.

"Baby don't worry we love you so much and we're always watching over you. We promise there won't be a time we aren't watching, The Moon Goddess gave us the privilege also she wanted us to tell you she loves you and will see you soon." My mom said.

"We love you so much and remember we're always with you, bye sweetie." My mom said.

Then everything faded away just like that.

Oh man this is amazingggggg! I hope you all enjoyed and make sure to vote and maybe leave a comment. Peace- YouAlreadyKnow

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