Chapter 21- Training

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Sapphires POV

it's been super weird since I've arrived here, it's been about a day and I'm about to start training all these pups in roughly an hour. Grayson put me in charge of leading the training sessions while he did alpha stuff, and I have chosen Jackson to be by my side to help. I'm going to go out early just so I can get my own warm up because I probably won't be the one getting too much exercise today.

I had my white nike sports bra on with black adidas shorts and black nike runners. I put my long silver hair up into a ponytail and grabbed a water bottled then head out into the training field where nobody was, I guess nobody here cares too much about training... I'll change that.

I set down my water bottle and started doing some stretching then I decided I'll go for a quick 10 minute jog. It was 6:50am by the time I ran back out of the tree line towards the training field and saw that there was only a small amount of people here, seriously?

"Hey Saph It doesn't seem like there's a lot of people in this pack that cares too much about training even the Alpha isn't here and we have 3 minutes until we start" he looked at me worriedly

"Jackson if they don't show up on time it's their loss, we can and will start with or without them, I don't care if he's an Alpha or not if he doesn't care then we don't need to either." I simply said shrugging

"Well it's time so let's go" he said, me and him both walking towards the group

"Please gather around everyone and listen to our instructions" Jackson said and I gave him a nod of appreciation

"I thank all of you who have came here prepared and ready for training on time, it truly does show that you would like to be ready for when the rogues strike again, I'm proud" I said

"Anyways without further ado let's get started" I said starting to walk towards the direction of the fighting area

"Luna Moon, we cant start without our Alpha and Luna." A man about my age said

"Yes we can, it was their decision to be late and we have no exceptions for tardiness even Alphas and Lunas, shall we continue?" I asked but without expecting a reply, Jackson and I kept walking with the rest following behind us.

"This area is where you will be training on hand to hand combat, we need to see how well trained you are and then we can work from there and even though you might be a good fighter you still must try as hard as the rest or else we do not move past this stage of training, understood?" I asked putting a little authority in my voice

"Yes Luna Moon" they all said

"Good, now everybody get a partner who has the same skill set as you and find an area, we will be standing right over there if there is an emergency" I said then started walking towards the area where there was a tree stump which we sat on.

Then all of a sudden there was a a very messily dressed Landon and a very flustered looking Britney walking out of that pack house, hmm I wonder why they're late.

He then started looking around, I'm assuming he was furious with the fact that his pack started training without their Luna or Alpha so of course he started marching towards Jackson and I.

"WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE STARTING TRAINING WITH MY PACK WITHOUT ME?!" He started with Britney behind him giggling probably thinking of how manly and powerful her sweet fiancé is, news flash hunny, he isn't.

"I'm Sapphire Moon?" I said in a sarcastic voice but also as a question just to piss him off.

"Also you and your..." I paused to look her up and down. "Luna... decided to be late and we wait for nobody" I then look away back at the training groups, most of them have very poor technique and form we'll need to fix that.

"DONT BE A SMARTASS IM STILL THE ALPHA HERE THIS IS STILL MY PACK!" He continued to yell, by this time the whole pack stopped training and was staring at their very unprofessional Alpha.

I then slowly stood up off the tree stump and brushed myself off like I was unfazed by what he was saying, then I looked at him calmly straight in his eyes and said "If you enjoy acting like an unprofessional child in front of your pack then so be it but I will not tolerate you speaking to me like that, I am here to train your pack so you all don't die in war with the rogues. If you don't like my rules then me and my Alpha along with the rest of the pack will leave if that is what you wish"

"Also if your so offended I started training them on time you may dismiss them but I wouldn't recommend it" I continued then sat back down on my stump and waved my hand around symbolizing the pack to continue training while Landon just stood there in shock from not expecting me to stand up for myself. Then Britney decided it was her turn to be the big bad wolf and she stepped in front of Landon and got very close to me.

"You will always and forever be that fat lonely bitch from all those years ago, nobody will ever see you differently and even though you don't show your true colours I know who you are! we all know who you are! So have fun while it lasts because it's all going to be over soon" she said cold heartedly and then slapped me across the face. Jackson just stood there shocked at what just happened and Landon looked kinda pissed off but not at me, at Britney.

"Jackson can you please escort Ms. West to one of the prison cells until further notice" I said coldly staring at her the whole time

"Yes Luna" He said and then stood up and gestured for her to leave with him without a struggle but when she refused to leave he grabbed her and started to leave.

"You can't do this! I'm a Luna! Landon?! Do something!" She said

"Britney I told you to behave to avoid war with this pack and if this is the consequences of your actions then so be it" he said and Britney was dragged out of sight to the prison cells.

"Ok Alpha Hudson go and find a person with no partner and start fighting" I told him

"Wait I have to train too?" He asked confused

"Yes, everyone else is training so it is only fair if their Alpha trains too" I said with a little smirk as he huffed then walked away


That's about it for this chapter I hope you all enjoyed and make sure to vote and comment! It would mean so much to me if I could get my first vote please! Peace- YouAlreadyKnow

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