Chapter 19- The Prophecy

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Sapphires POV

it's been about a year since I first ended up at the Nightfall pack and my life completely changed for the better. Grayson and I are in a relationship now, he first asked me out 3 months after I got here. I really appreciated the time he let me have to settle in so I gave in and let him take me out.

Rose has also been training me, making me run faster and pushing my limits until I'm almost passing out every session. Not any wolf alive can take what I'm going through but that's the point of all of this, no other wolf can do what I'm doing and if I keep training and I get stronger and faster in my human form and wolf form, nobody will ever hurt me again.

My body has changed a lot too since I first got out of that prison, I started eating more and with my training I now have the dream body that I've always wanted. I also understand the prophecy better and I'm still learning a bit more each day, let me explain,

The Moon Goddess had a child with the most powerful alpha in the world or also known as the werewolf king. This newborn was beautiful, she had sparkling blue eyes and honey blond hair and as the child grows older her hair turns to silver and her eyes begin to shift into many different colours.

The Rogue king wanted the baby all for himself so he could rule the world and force the child when she became of age to bare his pups. Before the rogue king could steal the child her mother gave her to a loving couple who already had a son of their own but their younger daughter had passed. They were to raise her and help her become the strongest being ever to walk the earth.

The Alpha king or my father was the very first Lycan to exist, which is why he is pronounced the Alpha king. The Alpha king rules over the Royal Moon pack named after the Moon Goddess and our last name Moon and even though there are packs that are the best in the country like the Nightfall pack, my fathers pack is the biggest and always strongest than anyone. If anyone even tries anything he can end them in a heart beat but he doesn't because he's a peaceful and kind man, I just can't wait till I meet him some day. Then I'll find some way to bring mom down to reunite all of us together once again.


Anonymous POV

she's already learned over 90% of the prophecy and is starting to master her skills. Boss said she wouldn't learn anything new about herself for a couple years so he's been taking his time with the plan but now he's stressing out because she's now stronger and faster than we thought. I need to make a diversion, I need to slow her down and I know just what to do.


Graysons POV

I was sitting in my office doing paperwork when I all of a sudden got a phone call.

"Hello this is Alpha Grayson of the Nightfall pack, who might this be?" I asked into the phone

"Hi Alpha Grayson I'm Alpha Landon from The Blood Born pack" Alpha Landon said

"Ahhh Landon hello, what can I do for you?"

"We're having a bit of a rogue issue and I have no idea why they're attacking us all of a sudden" he said sounding stressed. Is it possible the rogues are looking for Sapphire? No of course not

"I was wondering if you could bring your strongest warriors over? Also your Luna who I believe is in charge of all of them. Congratulations on such a strong and powerful mate might I add" he congratulated me

"Of course we'd be happy to help, and thank you so much she is just so amazing. She's out training right now but in any other situation I'd get her to say hello" I told him

"It's quite all right, I love my mate too but she isn't as strong and powerful as yours... To be honest she doesn't even act like a Luna" he quietly said into the phone, how could he stand to talk about his mate like that? I don't think that's his true mate, maybe he was rejected.

"I'm sorry to hear that, anyways Landon I have work to do how about we arrive Thursday (currently Tuesday) and train you guys as long as you would need us too. Make sure to have the guest bedrooms ready" I said sort of ordering the last part

"Yes, will do! I will see you and your Luna soon. Goodbye" he said

"Goodbye" then I hung up the phone, I don't know what it is but I've never really have had a liking for Landon but I mean he is an ally of ours and if we don't help him we might make a new enemy even though we are stronger than them it's just nice to be a bit more relaxed knowing I have some allies in case I'm in any trouble which doesn't happen quite often.

I then got a knock on my door and smelt the most amazing smell from my beautiful mate symbolizing she's the one knocking.

"Come in" I called out then she walked in and sat on my lap behind the desk.

"Hey sweetie, you look really stressed" she said looking concerned

"Well an Alpha from one of the neighbouring packs just called me and requested help from me and my best warriors including my strong mate who is the leader of the warriors" I said giving her a look of pride and a little peck which made her blush.

"I would very honoured to accompany you on this trip Alpha Hales" She said with a big smile making me chuckle at her joke

"Thank you Ms. Moon" I said back making her laugh too

"How was training today? Is Rose treating you alright?" I asked

"Yes of course she's treating me alright, and training was hard like always but it was good" I'm so proud of my mate she's just such a hard worker and will keep going until she knows she's at her full potential but even then she will keep trying to improve

"You do know how proud I am of you right?" I asked her making her turn her face from me to hide her blush

"Of course! You always tell me" she chuckled at the end

"How did I get so lucky?" I asked her

"I have no idea" she laughed hard at her own joke

"Anyways Im going to let you get back to your work, if you need me I'm going to take a shower and then go to bed. I love you" She said giving me a kiss and walking out the door

"I love you too" I said back a bit louder so she could hear me from the hallway

My mate is perfect and I can't even imagine being with anybody else. I'm getting very anxious though, once we get back from the trip I'm going to ask her to marry me and hopefully she says yes!

Anyways that's all for now, this is amazing isn't it? I hope you all enjoyed make sure to vote and comment. Peace- YouAlreadyKnow

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