Chapter 26- Escape

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Graysons POV

My wolf is SUPER pissed at me about what I did with Britney, he even decided on his own that he was going to tell Sapphires wolf, Lexi, about what happened so now Lexi is depressed with my wolf and everybody just found out that Saph sacrificed herself to save everyone here from death! I'm freaking out, Landon is freaking out and Britney won't stay the fuck away from me! If I could go back in time I wouldn't have even brought Sapphire here in the first place.

"Yeah but you can't! It's your fault she left! You should've protected her, you should've never let her out of your sight and you should've seen how much pain her and Lexi were in from you never seeing them! Instead of loving her you were giving away your now tainted body to a she wolf who only cares about hurting Sapphire. I don't think you realize this Grayson but she isn't just your mate, she's mine too and losing her means losing me so now you're just like Landon. I hope you're happy." My wolf said then cut off our link and I felt him sink to the back of my mind. What have I done?


Sapphires POV

"HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TRY?! JUST GIVE UP AND TELL YOUR WOLF TO STOP REJECTING IT ALREADY! SOON ENOUGH YOU'LL BE TOO WEAK ANYWAYS SO JUST ACCEPT IT!" He screamed at the top of his lungs punching the wall. Wanna know something fucked up? For the past couple days Bryan has been doing... unspeakable things trying to impregnate me but Lexi has the power to block our body from letting it happen. Soon enough though she will be too weak and we won't be able to stop it so we need to get out of here soon if we don't want to have a child with this monster.

"You will never win Bryan, you're kingdom will crumble with you going down with it and that's a promise." I said spitting on him, he wiped it off.

"If I'm going down sweetheart you're coming with me." He said then kicked me in the ribs and walked out of the cell.

Not only is he causing me pain but he's especially causing my wolf pain because we're being forced to mate with someone who isn't Grayson but another reason is from the terrible thing that Grayson did, by the way she still has not told me what it is.

"Angelica I cannot tell you what he has done until we get out of here, you're already being tortured I can't cause you more than you're already enduring." She said, lately she's always been whimpering and sometimes crying from what Grayson did which is super odd of her because were tough as nails so she never really has a mushy side other than the love towards our mate. It must be really bad.

I know we've been wasting some energy on trying to stop Bryan from doing the things he wants to with us but we still have been somehow finding the tiny bit of extra energy to save up to help us escape out of here. If I'm right we should be out of here by 9pm (currently 6pm) or at least out of our cell and trying to find our way out.


This is it, it's time for me to put this plan into action. I put my hands together and ripped off the handcuffs even though it was painful we can take it better than any other wolf. After we pulled the cuffs off we headed to the cell door where there was a weak bar on the right side of it. I know this from watching him for the past couple of days.

We then quietly moved the bar back and forth until it screwed off I then reached over to the desk ahead of the door to where the keys are located, we proceeded to unlock the door and sneakily make our way down the hallway to the janitors closet that was visible to me from my cell.

Then I locked the door, all I have to do now is wait until they realize I'm gone and start to panic. While they're panicking I will sneak out unnoticed in one of the security outfits in the closet. They won't notice because they will be too busy freaking out that they won't even notice the suspicious security guard walking towards the exit.

Oh shit I think they just realized I'm not in the cell. It's now or never I guess, let's go get our badass on.


Here ya go peeps, thanks to Ivyroze14 for being another one of the first voters. Remember everyone a vote or comment is appreciated thanks:) Peace- YouAlreadyKnow

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