Chapter 17- New guy?

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Graysons POV

"I just don't know what to do man, she won't even talk to me. Did I do something wrong?" I asked my beta, Jackson

"Dude she's hurt you need to understand that"

"I know that but I'm her mate she should talk to me and let me make her feel better!" I started yelling at the end while standing up and slamming my fist on the table

"Chill, if you try to force anything on her she's not going to even want to talk to you, just let her get used to her new surroundings and then she'll come around, you don't need to worry about it." He said putting a hand on my shoulder and sitting me back down

"Fine but don't get mad at me if I kill any pack members for hitting on her" I said to him keeping my eyes down on my work papers

"You know I won't let you kill someone but yes I understand your point, I'll keep an eye on her gray don't worry" he said waving goodbye and walking out of my office.

Sapphire has been very difficult to deal with and I'm starting to get mad, I know I can't get all alpha crazy in front of her or else she will just completely ignore me for good. She is starting to get along with one of our omega maids, Rose. It's nice to see she has care for the weaklings in our pack, sure we don't abuse our omegas but still they're omegas which are the lowest of the low. She's going to be an amazing Luna if she's already defending them.


Sapphires POV

It's really weird having people call me Sapphire all the time, I'm just not used to it yet I guess, maybe one day I'll tell Rose who I really am but for now I need to be safe. No one can know my secret.

I was sitting down in the kitchen thinking to myself until I was interrupted by a random man walking in and talking to me.

"Hi I'm Julian!" Julian said sitting next to me on the couch... a little too close for comfort

"Hello I'm Sapphire"

"Woah Sapphire that's a pretty name" he said, ya Sapphire is a pretty name, I wish it was my actual name

"Thank you, now what is it that you might need from me Julian?" I asked him while he quietly put his arm around me, in which I scooted away from.

"I was just wondering how such a beautiful specimen as yourself became a rogue and end up here" he said

"Does everyone know I'm a rogue?" I asked and he just nodded his head and I looked away in response feeling like I've done most of the talking I've wanted to today.

"Not your business" I told to him coldly

"Aw baby don't be like th..." he was cut off by a loud growl which I swore shook the whole house

"Julian Andrews why the hell are you calling MY MATE YOUR 'BABY'?" Grayson said/yelled as he came storming into the room then grabbing Julian by the shirt and throwing him across the room

"I'm sorry Alpha I was unaware she was your mate" he said bowing his head in submission and remaining on the ground where he was thrown.

"If I EVER catch you near my mate again so help me god you will not live to see another day" Grayson said. If I'm being honest it's really sexy when he's mad and wow when he's defending me! He doesn't even know me! Is this what mates do? Is this how mates act?

"Are you ok? Did he touch you or do anything?" He said examining my body making sure I was ok.

"I'm fine thank you" I said genuinely looking him in his eyes. Has he always had those perfect long lashes? And since when has his hair looked so soft?

"Ya anytime, that's what mates do..." he said calmly looking into my eyes while sitting down on the couch very close to me just like Julian did except this time I was fine with it. I could hear Lexi in the back of my mind saying some pretty...bad? Things that she wanted to do to him right now and I might agree a little bit but we aren't at that stage yet.

We sat there for another 5 minutes but it felt like it was so much longer when starring into each other's eyes.

"Sapphire has your eyes always had little gold flecks in them? Because they're so beautiful" he said making me blush and finally turning my head from him. He then grabbed my chin sending sparks throughout my body and made me look back up at him. He then continued to lean in closer.... and closer.... until there was barely a pinky size length apart from us. When he decided he was going to finally fill the gap between us he started to move until..... Rose came into the room making us both jump apart and start blushing like both of our faces were tomatoes.

"I'm so sorry Alpha and Luna I didn't know I was interrupting a moment" she said quickly bowing her head and then she looked back up at me and gave me a mischievous wink to which I rolled my eyes to.

"Um it was nothing Rose, what have you come for?" I asked giving a side glance to Grayson to see him with a frown from me saying it was nothing.

"I was wondering Luna if you would accompany me on a quick walk"

"Oh of course I will Rose, give me one second and I'll come out"

"Yes Luna" She said bowing then leaving, I don't want her calling me Luna but around Grayson she prefers to so she doesn't get into any trouble.

"Um so thanks anyways Grayson I'll see you around" I said quickly walking out of the living room and out into the back yard. This was such an eventful day.

Hello all, I'm so so happy we're at over 200 reads!!! Ahhhhh but guys and girls make sure to vote and comment. All the chapters happen because of you! Remember that! Ok well I hope you enjoyed and make sure to vote and comment. Peace- YouAlreadyKnow

Why me? Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora