Chapter 23- This is the Plan

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Graysons POV

I really love Sapphire with all my heart but with this stress and everything going on, I can barely see her and I don't even know what happened or why I did what I did but I can't tell her. She'll leave me if I tell her, I can't have her leave me I love her too much. Since I haven't been around her that much I've grown more... physically needy and let's just say some mistakes were made. I need her in my life and I'll do anything to keep her even if that means keeping this secret from her.


Sapphires POV

I've been so happy lately, I know I haven't seen Grayson much but Jackson is my new best friend and I enjoy training with him. He keeps me sane in all of this chaos and for that I am so grateful for.

Right now Jackson and I are out in the field in wolf form trying new fighting tactics to see if they could be used in battle.

Bring it on Saphie

I told you to stop calling me Sapphie.

I can't help it! Would you prefer if I called you Shiny? Because of silver your hair.

Seriously Jack? Why do you always do this? You know I don't like nicknames that much.

Well too bad for you miss future Goddess I have a million and I've chosen Sapphie and Shiny so get used to it.

Ugh fine! Let's just shift we've been planning attack strategies for hours I need food.

I then shifted as did he and we walked towards the pack house next to each other playfully bumping into each other.

"You're a prick you know that?" I told him

"And you're an asshole, that's why we're best friends" he said with a chuckle and a grin

"Hm I guess I never thought of it that way" I said rubbing my chin jokingly.

We then continued to walk in and while going through the door we passed Britney but instead of saying anything she just smirked like she knew something I didn't, that's odd. Whatever I can't be bothered with Britney she's never been the brightest, she doesn't know when she's lost.

Once we got into the kitchen guess who was there? I think you guessed it! Landon, my most favourite person in the world.

"Oh Landon funny seeing you here for the fifth time today" I said sarcastically rolling my eyes

"I was just grabbing a drink but while you're here can I talk to you.... in private" he said glaring at Jackson

"Whatever you have to say to her you can say to me" he said stepping a little bit more forward. This is nice, I feel like I have a brother who actually cares about me.

"You know what? Never mind just forget about it" he said weirdly then walked out

"Well that was something" Jack said standing awkwardly

"Yeah maybe it actually was something important" I looked at him seriously, then we both started laughing

"How did I get such an amazingly perfect best friend" he said putting an arm around my shoulder

"I have no idea"


5 days later

We found a body with a note attached to it outside our front door. It was one of the most horrific things I've seen before and yes I've seen dead bodies before just not, in these types circumstances. When I opened the note I saw that it was addressed to me the note stated,

Hello Sapphire Moon, I have been waiting a very long time for this day to come. The rogues have been training and we will win this war. You will then be captured and taken to be my queen. I hope you are well prepared for this fight because there will be death and lots of it especially from your friends and family and your mates, if you want to stop this you can turn yourself over to me and the rogues shall leave this pack alone but if not then let the best man or shall I say wolf win. -Rogue King

So I've been proposing a plan to myself, I let everyone think they're going into battle but I give myself over so nobody gets hurt. Then when no rogues show up for the battle the pack will look for me then eventually find my note stating to not look for me and that I have chosen to keep the peace rather than get everybody killed on my behalf. In my opinion it's a good plan and in a couple hours just before my pack arrived I will be walking willingly to front lines and get taken. I hope he holds to his end of the bargain.


"Ok troops, after your intense efforts in training we as a pack are finally ready for battle! My pack shall be arriving shortly and then tonight we shall attack! I'm so proud of how far we have come and how much you've all improved, even the top warriors learned some new moves and are even better than before. I believe in all of you. Tonight meet back here at 9pm sharp, DO NOT BE LATE! We will strike in the dark and they won't know what hit them. You are dismissed" I waved my hand signalling them to leave.

Tonight is the big battle and we couldn't be more prepared if only they knew that they wouldn't be fighting at all. The troops will be here in ten minutes which is 6:30pm. I will be heading out 10 minutes after that everybody thinks I'm getting ready and nobody will notice I'm gone. After communicating via notes with the rogues king he said I may bring my most precious valuables but that's it, I pray to my mom that this works.


So how does everybody feel about Angelica giving herself up like that? And what about Grayson what happened with him? All questions will be answered soon. I hope you all enjoyed! Make sure to vote and leave a comment. Peace- YouAlreadyKnow

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