Chapter 8- Oh no

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Sapphires POV

I was walking around town a bit more before I was about to leave until I smelt the wolves again. Shit. It was already too late though. I bumped into 2 muscular dudes just standing there looking down at me.

"Oh so you're the wolf we smelt yesterday." the taller one said.

"Oh ya haha that's me I guess." I said trying to act normal. Emphasize on try.

"Well you're quite a pretty one aren't you?" The one a bit shorter asked but I mean their both taller than me.

"Umm thanks? I have a mate though" I said to them lying through my teeth.

"Oh really? I don't smell any wolf scent on you, what's his name?" Guy number 1 asked. (the taller one)

"Landon, Alpha of the Blood Born pack" I said confidently even though I was shitting myself inside.

"Oh really? So why did he let you come all the way out here to rogue land?" Guy number 2 asked.

"Ummmm I just wanted a vacation, my wolf is very powerful and if she doesn't get her space and go on long runs she will explode and nobody wants that" I told them looking at them very seriously but they just started laughing, wait excuse me? Laughing?

"I didn't tell a joke I'm being serious dickheads" I told them.

"Pretty ladies shouldn't tell lies or swear" Guy number 1 said.

"Go fuck yourself" I told them and started walking away but then one of them went and slapped my ass. I turned around and with all my strength I punched him in the jaw. He stumbled back clutching his jaw groaning random swear words which gave me the opportunity to run to my hotel just down the street. I need my things and I need to get out of here fast.

I started bolting but guy number 2 started chasing after me while guy number 1 was still clutching his probably broken jaw while it healed. I ran into the front entrance but I collided into a big bulky chest that shot tingles down my spine.

"HAH got you! You're coming with us to hang out for a bit." He said grabbing my arm roughly and pulling me back out of the hotel entrance.

My other arm was pulled by another person though, but this person was giving me butterflies in my stomach while he was touching me. I looked up only to see the one and only Landon. Ugh fuck me.

"Um who the fuck are you? We already claimed her fuck off." The guy holding me said.

"I'm her mate." Landon said looking at me fair well knowing he's pissing me off.

"Oh ya what's your name? Maybe it'll match up with what she told us" He said with a creepy smirk and Landon looked at me with a cocky smirk now knowing I was calling him my mate.

"Landon, Alpha of the Blood Born pack, and I order you to let go of my mate" Landon said in his Alpha tone and the man immediately shied away.

"I'm sorry Alpha." They both said while bowing their heads and leaving. I watched them walk away while the amazing feelings were still happening on my hand from Landon not letting it go.

We both stood there awkwardly, holding each others hands just embracing each others touch.

"Umm well, thank you but I should really get going." I said to him trying to let go of his hand but him obviously not allowing it

"Angelica listen, I came here because it was the nearest town and I had to at least check that you weren't here, you're going to get killed please come home with me so we can be happy" He said Looking deep into my eyes.

"How. Dare. You. You sir rejected me, assaulted me for more than 10 years and now you tell me I'm going to get killed but you're the one who wouldn't let me train! So in this scenario everything is your fault! Every single thing! I don't give a rats ass if you just saved me! I could have shifted and murdered them in a heart beat if I had too but you save me once and expect it to be fine?!" I calmly but scarily angry told him.

"You know what? You know how bad I feel and you know how hard I'm trying to get you back but obviously you're too much of a stubborn bitch to realize that! This is pointless when I could just be with Britney! Go fuck your self Angelica!" He said looking at my cold lifeless eyes with his filled with tears.

"Well I'm sorry you feel that way Landon, I'm also sorry for not forgiving you for over 10 years of abuse and I'm also sorry for letting you walk all over me for so long. Landon I have one last thing to say to you and those will be the very last words I will ever say to you." I said.

"What?!" He said angrily.

"I, Angelica Moon, now known as Sapphire Winter, accept the rejection of Landon Hudson, Alpha of the Blood Born pack." I said as I felt my heart being ripped in half and it getting pulled out of my chest. Finally no more love, no more bullshit.

"You changed your name to your old nickname?" He asked and I just nodded my head yes.

"Goodbye Landon." He let go of my hand as he watched me walk away into the hotel, blank faced while tears streamed down. Those are the last words he's ever going to hear me say. I wish he knew how to just get rid of his emotions like I did. All you have to do is get over 10 years of all types of abuse and then finally get pushed off the edge.

I hope he has a good life without me, yet I know he will forget about me soon. He has Britney.

Ok the tea is boiling hot over here!!! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter as much as I did writing it. Make sure to drop a vote and maybe a comment, peace- YouAlreadyKnow

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