Chapter 15- New house?

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Sapphires POV

He pinned me against the wall and started doing the most inexcusable act anyone could do. I was weak. If I had been stronger he would have not been able to do this to me. Everybody can hear my screams but nobody wants to help. Even my own brother.

The man stopped once he reached his point. After he left I sunk down onto the ground and started crying uncontrollably. This is it, this is where I end it all and nobody will care.

I woke up with tears streaming down my face. I look around and sit up gasping in fear as I forgot my surroundings. Oh yeah I'm trapped in a pack house that are probably in danger because of me and a mate that can't catch a hint. Ugh why do I always somehow get myself into these situations?

I could feel Graysons wolf going crazy right now which I'm assuming its from my distress.

Mates worried about us.

Yes I know that Lexi.

Go see him.

No Lexi it doesn't matter, it isn't his business and we will get over it in 10 minutes or so.

Then she blocked off our link. I sat in bed just trying to control my breathing and stop the tears from coming until I heard a knock at my door.

"Little mate are you ok?" Grayson asked, I didn't answer him so I guess that made him think I wasn't which made him come into my room.

"Oh I'm sorry just I was worried I could feel you in pain... were you crying?" He asked.

"No." Was all I said.

"Please talk to me." He begged.

"Out." Was all I said then his face started showing pain and he turned around and left.

I got up from the bed still being in the same clothes as yesterday. I looked in the mirror noticing the huge mess my hair was and the dirt I had all over me with my bones sticking out from lack of nutrition. Everybody was right, I am ugly. I heard another knock at my door, can't a girl get some peace and quiet around here? I opened the door only to see Rose.

"Oh hi Rose." I said to her kindly.

"Hello Sapphire I was supposed to deliver these clothes to you from the Alphas sister." Rose said handing me a fresh pair of clothes.

"Thank you so much Rose you're amazing." I told her as her face started heating up and becoming a nice shade of red.

"Im sorry, nobody's ever really appreciated me before like you did." She said looking down.

"I've been in that same position before Rose, here why don't you come hangout with me and show me around the pack house" I said to her while watching her face light up like a light bulb.

"That would be amazing and all but I don't think I'm allowed." She said looking down.

"Rose I think I have more authority than any other wolf here... even the Alpha." I said whispering the last part.

"So come with me I promise nobody will hurt you." I told her reassuringly.

"Ok thank you so much." She said.

"Here come inside and I'll get dressed in the bathroom then we can leave." I told her walking towards the bathroom already.

After taking a shower, shaving and controlling my hair, I got dressed into these cute ripped jean shorts and a black tank top/crop top. I walked out and greeted Rose signalling to her let's go.

"So where are we going first?" I asked.

"I can show you the front entrance then the kitchen then the living room and we can just start with that." She said smiling at me. She then lead me down the stairs and into the main entrance way.


"This house is beautiful." I was telling Rose about how amazing this house was after her showing me the kitchen, living room and entrance way.

"Yes it really is, would you like to see the garden and training grounds?" She asked.

"Yes please." I said and let her guide me through this big house through the back door onto the patio where there was a stone path leading off the patio and on the outsides of the path was a bunch of different types of flowers including my favourite, white roses.

"This is the garden, it goes around farther than this but it's really the same as this, normally we have the pups out here planting flowers or just goofing off, follow me." She said as I nodded and followed along the stone path. The stone path went on for a bit until we passed the backyard and walked into a somewhat clearing in a field that had some wolves fighting each other and the rest in human form doing some sort of training.

"This is the training grounds, it's separated from the backyard to keep the pups away from violence until they're old enough to start training." She said stopping and letting me look.

"Wow this is all so much bigger and prettier than my old pack." I said.

"Sapphire I think they all have taken a liking to you." Rose whispered secretly pointing to the training grounds where the men were training, they kept glancing out way and whispering to each other, ew.

"Do they not know I'm the Alphas mate?" I whispered back.

"No because you have no mark and practically none of his scent on you. To them your just a fresh piece of she wolf meat." She whispered.

"Uh well let's go." I said awkwardly turning around and walking away.

This is all way too new for me, everything is beautiful and big AND I have a friend for once, I'm not getting beaten up and men are actually looking at me? This is weird.

Ok so that chapters done, I always have fun writing chapters but I already have the main plot points in mind so I just want to get there and write them down already URGH anyways, I hope you all enjoyed. Make sure to drop a vote and a comment. Peace- YouAlreadyKnow

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