Chapter 2- Never ending

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Angels POV
I can hear the loud thumping of music from downstairs with lots of loud laughter. I'm still in my bedroom but I got bored of sketching eventually and started binge watching The Office for the millionth time. I swear I can never get over that one episode on casino night where Jim admits his love to Pam. I was then interrupted out of my thoughts by a loud growl... coming out of my stomach of course. I know that I won't be able to go get any food especially if the Alpha, Tyler and Britney we're down there.

All of a sudden there was a loud knock at my door. I got up and opened it slightly to check who it was but suddenly it was slammed opened and the next thing I know I'm pinned up against my wall by this buff man who is covered all over in the scent of vodka.

He started to try and kiss me but I continuously tried to pry his disgusting hands off of me but with the strength I have it sadly did not work. He kept grabbing places where nobody should touch without my permission but the men here still do it considering nobody cares about me.

He started dragging me to my bed and taking off my shirt, then my pants but just about when he was about to do the unspeakable I kicked him right where the sun don't shine and he automatically stopped. I threw on a long hoodie and I mean literally threw it on because I had to be fast. After I got it on I started running to my door but sadly the man recovered quickly and grabbed my ankle from the position he was in on the floor. I fell down with a loud thud and he stood up above me.

"You know if you would of just let me do what I wanted you could've gotten off easy but now I have to give you a punishment." he said and glared at me evilly.

He started ramming his foot into my rib cage continuously and bashing the bottom of his shoe against my face. He then got on top of me and straddled me, once he got on top he started throwing punches into my nose and jaw until I heard a loud crack. It was my nose, he broke my nose and I mean it's not the first time someone has broken one of my bones from beating me just it hurts more for me then regular wolves considering I practically never eat. After he broke my nose I yelled so loud that I'm pretty sure some people downstairs could've heard it over the music.

"Shut the fuck up!" He yelled getting up.

He then picked me up and threw me into the wall. He walked up to me while I was laying on the ground moaning in pain. He spat in my face and squished his shoe onto my broken nose one more time before walking out of my room, then I heard a bunch of wolves cheering and laughter coming from downstairs which is obviously directed towards me.

I slowly got up from my position and carefully shut my door. I then sat down in front of my mirror examining my injuries. I already had a black eye forming, a large bruise on my cheek and my nose was bent sideways with blood pouring out and dripping on my shirt. I never heal at werewolf speed because my wolf is so weak she can't even fucking talk to me well I mean I know she can but I always tell her not to heal me and save her energy and even though she can't reply I know she can hear me.

She needs to save every last bit of energy because once we meet our mate we're going to run away and find another pack to live in, we still haven't found our mate but I promised her if we don't find him after one more month then we're leaving and I know she's happy with that idea for sure.


Ok well I know that was a depressing chapter but that's just how her story is, so I'm sorry if you didn't like it but that's how it is.
Anyways there will be more to come and I hope you all enjoy and keep reading:)


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