Preference 1 :)

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I made the picture as a joke but I like it now so here you go :D

This is only how you guys meet, so if you or the guy agrees to go out another time, it's only as friends
Sorry :)


You met at a baseball game. Coincidentally, you were both sitting next to each other. Rooting for different teams, you started a friendly argument over which one is better. It obviously turned into a more heated argument. He ended up asking if you wanted to go to another game with him sometime. You agreed.

He stumbled upon you in the woods while you were camping. He was confused when he saw you with the lid of a cooler in one hand, and a long stick in the other.

"There is a rabid family of opossums in my tent." You explain. He laughs and asks if he can help. After you both (mostly sniper) release the opossums back into the wild, he asks if you would mind joining him for a cup of coffee. You agree, but only if the coffee shop has no opossums.

He actually saw you on a train. It was one of those fancy trains with a different dining area and bar for the first class passengers. He watched as you tricked multiple (foolish) men into buying you another drink. He was amused by your silly tactics and the amount of men (and some women) you had fooled.

He eventually went up the bar and asked if you would be interested in a game of chess. You agreed and said winner owes the other a glass of wine. You won, and he bought you another wine. You both spent the rest of the night talking and smoking with each other.

You saw him yelling at a flock of birds in a park. He was yelling about communism and America. This sight amused you but mostly scared you. After all, he might be a drunk or something.


"Uh.. me?"


"Uh... no, the last time I checked I wasn't"


"Ok, excuse me for one second..... ok.... uh-huh..... annnddd alright. I have check again and I am not a communist."


You met at a car shop. Your car had broken down a mile or two down the road. He left with the tow truck and came back with your damaged car. When he looked it over, he said a bunch of car things you didn't really understand. When you told him you didn't understand cars very well, he laughed and said, "Well darlin' to put it simply, your car is busted."

You ended up being there for hours, talking to the man who was fixing up your "busted" car. When it was finished, you payed the man and took his business card. To call when you have car troubles..

You saw him at a convince store trying to buy multiple bottles of gasoline, matches and gummy bears. The cashier wouldn't let him
buy the items because he tried paying with Monopoly money. You found this kinda funny and offered to pay for him. He jumped up and hugged you when you finally gave him the items. He ran back into a camper van in the parking lot when you laughed and hugged him back. He smelled like gasoline and burnt toast.

You met him as a bartender. He was one of the regulars so he was well known. But you had just gotten this job and had no idea how many drinks this guy can take. You almost called 911 when he passed out for the first time. The other customers stoped you and said this isn't the first time he passed out, and definitely not the last.

You actually met him as new recruit in the base. The first few days was a ceasefire, so both sides could get used to the new recruits. The doctor wasted no time hooking you up with the Über-charge and re-spawn system. Because you were awake for most of the operations, you both had a fun time getting to know each other.

You met him on a snowy, winter day in the park. Being new in town (and new to snow) you were wearing what seemed like 10 layers of clothing just to keep warm. It didn't work and your body was still freezing. While walking, you stumbled upon a giant man with only a thin jacket and regular pants. You stared at the man, bewildered that someone can withstand the horrid weather.

He laughed when he noticed you wearing all those clothes and offered to take you to the small coffee shop in town. You agreed and explained you were new in town. He then offered to show you around teufort, to which you agreed.


I wrote this a long time ago and it feels weird to finally be publishing it lmao

This is the first part ever, so please tell me how I did!

Thank you for reading!

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