Preference 49 :)

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How the mercs react to their chaotic soulmate learning how to Rocket jump and accidentally slamming into a wall! WHOO HOOOOO

We stan chaotic dumbass energy ❤️

CHAPTER 50 IS COMING!!?? What should I do to celebrate?? I was thinking about doing another Q/A since my book as gotten a lot more attention, but I'm not sure because my last one kind flopped lmao. PLEASE TELL ME WHAT TO DO! Should I bake brownies, do a Q/A or what? Maybe an Instagram Live? 😳

WARNINGS: nothing to report, Sargent.

When you told Scout you wanted to learn how to Rocket Jump, he was totally on board. He asked his friend from work to borrow a Rocket Launcher (who totally agreed) and told you to go nuts.

You were about to do the jump, when you heard Scout yell, "STOPP!" He dashed back inside the house and came out with a camera. He gave you a thumbs up and said, "Ok I'm ready!"

You waved to the camera, got ready to jump, and BOOM! Next thing you know, you're in the air, but.. wait a minute; was that wall always there?

SLAP! You crashed into the wall and actually broke through it. You didn't broken any of your bones, surprisingly, and Scout could be heard laughing his ass off. He asked if you were ok of course, and he said he was so happy he got that on tape.

When you told him you wanted to Rocket Jump, he was nervous about it, but he eventually came around to the idea and let you do it.

The day of the actual jump though, he was extremely nervous. "Uh, Shelia, m-maybe this wasn't such a good idea-"

Ah but it's too late, Sniper! You're soulmate just Rocket Jumped their ass into a wall! He was too stunned to move, and just called out your name. When you gave him a thumbs up to show you're all good, he laughed in relief and walked over to help you up.

When you mentioned the idea to Spy, he just snorted and basically said, "Sure, knock yourself out."

A few days later though, when you called him outside and showed him your new Rocket Launcher, he was less amused. He started freaking out and said, "I was being sarcastic! I didn't think you would actually go through with it!"

You brushed him off, saying your mind was made up and he needed to take a step back. Realizing there was no stopping you, he took a step back and looked on with masked worry.

3..2..1.. BOOM! Up you went! ....into a window. You heard Spy Screech, "MON DIEU!" and run into the house. When he finally reached you, he scolded you for being stupid and grumpily took care of you for the rest of the day.

Trust me, when I say Soldier was ecstatic, he was ecstatic. "THAT'S GREAT, HONEY! I'LL TEACH YOU HOW TO DO IT PROPERLY!"

And he was indeed an amazing teacher. He taught you a bunch of techniques and starting positions. It was really a great bonding experience.

After he taught you everything he knows, he sent you outside to observe your first ever attempt. As per his teachings, you found a perfect spot, stood in a perfect stance, and positioned his Rocket Launcher in the perfect place.

When Soldier gave you the O.K., you launched into the air! And crash into a wall! Yay! Soldier clapped and congratulated you for a "successful" jump.

Engineer warned you not to do it, but he already knew there was no stopping you once you had your heart set on something. For a few days he tried persuading you to drop the idea, but it never worked.

Then came the day you were going to preform the jump. Engineer stood close by, worrying about all the possible outcomes. After assuring him that everything would be fine, you jump into the air.. and straight into the wall- breaking through it.

You heard Engineer say "oh god oh god oh god oh god-" until he reached you and checked you over for injuries. He scolded you for being so reckless, but he just couldn't stay mad at you and made you some soup.

Pyro thought it was a great idea! I'm fact, he loved the idea so much, he decided to join you! You managed to get your hands on two Rocket Launchers so you could do the jump at the same time.

You let Pyro count down the launch. "MHM! MMH! MMMHM!" FWOOM! You both soared into the air! For about 3 seconds before you both crashed through the roof of your house.

Pyro got up to make sure you weren't injured, and started laughing when you were a-ok. You two went out for ice cream after, because you both deserve it.

You were both drunk out of your mind when you said, "Hey! Let's try Rocket Jumping!" And of course, Demo replied, "Sounds like a plan, beautiful!"

An hour later, you're both disappointed because you can't find a Rocket Launcher anywhere! But then Demo has the worst idea, and brings out his Sticky-bomb launcher. You guys didn't even know if it would work, but there was only one way to find out, right?

"I'll count ya down lass! 5.. 4.. uh.. 3! 2..? 1!"
BOOOM! Up into the sky you went! Demo cheered for you while you screamed. You ended up crashing into a wall while Demo cheered his ass off.

He did make sure you were ok though, and the next morning he took you to the doctors because he wanted to make sure you were good. He also apologized profusely and snuggled with you for the whole day.

Medic hated the idea and told you not to do it. A few hours later, you "borrowed" Soldiers Rocket Launcher and called Medic outside. When he finally saw you, you waved to him and jumped! While in the air, you shouted, "FUCK YOU, IM A QUEEN!"

Then 2 seconds later you crashed into a wall. Medic let out a panicked string of curses as he ran over to you, carried you to the Med bay and searched you for injuries.

He forced you to stay in bed all day to recuperate. And even though he acted grumpy, he still let you snuggle up to him.

He just plainly said, "No. That is terrible idea."

Too bad for him though, because you did it anyway! When Heavy heard the loud FWOOM- followed by a loud CRASH and an even louder groan, he freaked out and ran to the sound. He found you on the floor quietly giggling to yourself.

He picked you up and scolded you for going through with it. Even though you insisted you were fine, he brought you to his friends house and he looked you over for injuries.

When you were declared injury-free, Heavy took you home and was even quieter than normal. After a while, He finally told you that he was really worried and that you should be more careful. You agreed, and the rest of the day went back to normal.

Half of the team consists of chaotic dumbasses and that's why we love them 😌

Ok but this was really fun to write and if it flops I'm going to eat a whole tub of ice cream.

Also, if y'all have any TF2 headcanons, I would love to hear them 😳
Requests are closed for now!❤️

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