Preference 35 :)

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EDIT:  Right before posting this, I re-read the original request, and found out I wrote the completely wrong thing. The original request said "when you deliver a child" and for some reason, my dumb brain was like, "Nah, lets change that to 'when you go into labor' haha that's gunna be a train wreck". So I'm very sorry LMAO! Next time I swear I'll write the correct request. I guess I picked a fitting picture for this chapter 😂😭 (I'm too lazy to change anything, so please enjoy my major screw-up)


Ngl, I'm kinda disappointed with the picture lmao. All my TF2 pictures are on my phone, so I had to go searching deep in tumblr for something that could kinda represent this chapter (and it doesn't even represent the chapter, it just made me snort lol)

This topic might make people uncomfortable, so just a little heads up :)

His reaction when you go into labor 👀 bc you're preggo spagetto :)

I've had 4 cups of coffee in the last 2 hours

Requested by @GalaxyMoonlightAngel !

WARNINGS: Idk if this topic makes people uncomfortable, but I'm not going to go into detail about the gross stuff lmao so yeah



When your water broke, Scout didn't know that you were going into labor; he just thought you pissed your pants. When you told him what it actually meant, Scout let out a nervous chuckle, and passed out. This reaction was totally unexpected, and you started to panic. Luckily, he got up a few seconds later and screamed, "I'M GUNNA BE A FREAKIN' DAD!" 

You didn't have time to react, because he already raced off to start the car. He rushed back into the house, gently guided you to the car and placed you in the passenger side. He sped all the way to the nearest hospital, and nearly crashed twice on the way there.


Sniper spit out his coffee and jumped straight into the air when you told him what was happening. He asked if you were sure, and responded with a 'what do you think?' expression and a grunt of pain. In panic, Sniper did those little side to side shuffles, before hopping in the drivers side of his camper and driving straight to the hospital. 

His expression throughout this whole process was a mix of shock, fear, and love. Upon arrival, Sniper parked in two parking spaces; but he was pumped with too many emotions to give a single damn. 


When you told Spy, his whole figure tensed and he dropped his drink. When he turned around, you were shocked at the expression he wore. This was the first time you've seen him so frightened and nervous. He was happy, of course; but you could see him physically shaking. As calmly and quickly as he could, he ushered you into the car and drove to the hospital. 

He did his best to calm and reassure the both of you. The thought of finally getting another chance at being a father excited him, but the looming worry of him messing up again absolutely terrified him.


Soldier jumped with joy at the news! He was thrilled to finally see the stubborn recruit who was hiding in your belly for nine months! So happy in fact, he picked you up (as if you weighed nothing) and carried you all the way to the hospital. You didn't know if you should be upset with him or not though, because him carrying you to the hospital took less time then driving you.

Soldier kicked open the hospital doors, and shouted, "THIS WOMAN IS GIVING BIRTH TO MY CHILD! WE NEED A DOCTOR, ASAP! NO COMMUNIST DOCTORS!"


Poor Engineer was not ready for this news, at all. So ill-prepared in fact, choked on his morning bacon.

He quickly rushed you into the car, and kept saying, "ohgodohgodohgodohgod" over and over: like a broken record. On the way to the hospital, he yelled an elderly couple, flipped off a total of 6 teenagers, and only cried twice! It's nice to know he'd start a fight with a dangerous group of teens for your new family. 


When Pyro realized what was happening, he 100% freaked out. He couldn't drive you to the hospital because he never learned how to, and you couldn't drive because you were going into labor...obviously. He panicked, and called 911. The operator couldn't understand him with his mask on though, so he had to give the phone to you.

An ambulance took both of you to the hospital, but Pyro had to sit in the passenger seat because he scared the EMTs too much. The driver wasn't a fan of that decision.


When you explained to Demo that your water broke, he asked you if that was a fancy way of saying you pissed your pants. When you told him what it actually meant, he jumped up and shouted, "WHAT? WHY DIDN'TCHYA LEAD WITH THAT?"

He gently guided you to the car, and quickly sped to the nearest hospital. He tried to calm you down, and kept asking questions about how you were feeling. Halfway into the car ride, he said, "Breathe... don't worry 'bout a wee thing."

When you told him you were already starting to calming down, he replied, "I wasn't talkin' to you lass, but good job."


Medic yelled, "OH MEIN GOTT!" and almost fainted. Luckily he didn't, and was able to keep a level head after he slapped himself in the face. Because of his reaction, you insisted on going to an actual hospital. Medic refused, saying he knew more about medical science than any "certified" doctor.

He ended up delivering the baby himself. 


Heavy's eyes went wide and he let out a panicked grunt into the sandvich he had just begun eating. With his sandvich still in his mouth, he gently picked you up and placed you in the car. He quickly drove to the hospital, and made sure you were doing good the whole way there.

Throughout the car ride, he would take bites out of his food to help cope with everything happening around him.


The formatting is a bit different because I'm writing this with my laptop, and I hate it lmao

I was about to write what the merc was doing during the actual birth, but I figured that could be a whole other chapter on its own. So hopefully you guys like it! I actually had fun writing this one lol

ALSO: only like two people responded to the Q/A thing, so I decided... TO DO IT ANYWAYS! ASK ME ALL YOUR QUESTIONS! They can be directed to me, or the mercs! You can ask me about life, OCs, writing, my hopes and dreams, ANYTHING! Nothing is off limits, unless its too personal (Like my exact location or something) or is its just too weird/gross. 

SO ASK ME YOUR Qs AND I'LL GIVE YOU ALL MY As! If this gets more than, like 10 questions in one or two days, than I'll make a separate post with all of them! If not, I'll just answer them down in the comments :)

If you have any requests, feel free to tell me! (hey, that rhymes!) Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!

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