Preference 11 :)

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This is what he loves about you personality-wise!

I know that some of these might not fit your personality, but I'm just doing what I think the Mercs would find attractive, so sorry in advance if you don't like this chapter):

The next update will probably be what he loves about you physically;)

Hope you enjoy!
WARNINGS: tiny bit of cursing

Scout loves your fierceness and confidence. He loves that you stand up for yourself, and you aren't afraid to give people a piece of your mind. You practically had him drooling when you said, "FUCK OFF!" To a guy that kept bothering the two of you.

He admires how patient you are. You don't really mind keeping him company when he's sniping something. You're ok with going on camping trips, because you know how comfortable he is in nature.

He  especially loves how patient you are with him. When he can't really say how he feels or when he's had a long day, you don't mind waiting for him to sort out whatever he's feeling.

Spy is absolutely smitten with your slyness and wit. Just like him, fooling people is your second nature. And your wit in on par with his own. How you have such similar abilities perplexes him, but it only adds to the mystery (and the attraction).

He's fond of your ambition and competitiveness. Once you have your mind set on something, it's almost impossible to stop you from getting your way. The two of you often have silly competitions, which end up turning into very competitive competitions.

What started out as playful fighting, turned into a full on wrestling match. You broke some ribs and your nose while he broke his arm. But hey, according to him, "YOU STILL LOOK ABSOLUTELY RAVISHING MY CUPCAKE!"

He loves how determined and how bizarre you can be. You often try to help him out around the shop, even though you have no idea how a car functions. He finds your bizarreness adorable, and loves that you aren't afraid to be your weird-self in front of him!

He loves your kindness. You tend to see the best in everyone, and always believe in second chances. You try and give help anywhere it's needed, and he adores that about you.

He appreciates how attentive you are. You're his shoulder to lean on, his person to hold, his everything. He knows he could tell you anything, and it will be as important to you as it is to him. He hasn't had many people like that in his life, so he really appreciates and loves you for it.

He loves how steady you are. You're there when he needs you and he's happy you are. When he gets a little too crazy, you are there to keep him grounded. You help him though thick and thin, and he knows you will always be there for him.

He loves how reserved you are. He doesn't like loud people because they usually talk too much. With you, silence is always an option. It's always a comfortable silence, so there is no awkward moments. Reading together is always an enjoyed activity. :)
Yayyyy I really liked writing this chapter!

I wrote this all in 2 hours because I was bored and honestly I didn't have much else to do.

If you have any requests or writing tips then feel free to comment them! I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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