Preference 34 :)

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How the mercs react to a random kid calling you two "Mommy and Daddy!"

Honestly this one was a little hard to write lmao (but still cute)

Requested by DumbFruition !

WARNINGS: nopeee

"Sorry kid, we ain't your parents. In fact, the only person who calls me 'Daddy' is her- OW!"

Before Scout could finish his horrible, and very personal sentence, you punched his back. Scout started playfully teasing you and you both totally forgot about the kid standing in front of you.

He eventually wondered off again, and you two went about your day.

Sniper was so startled by the kid calling him 'Daddy', he started choking on air and had a coughing fit. His eyes watered and his face was bright pink.

The kid -surprised by Snipers reaction- immediately realized that, 'oh crap, these aren't my parents' and ran away.

You laughed at his reaction, but the only thought floating through Snipers head was, "Do I want kids?"

Yeah, I don't know why he was suddenly thinking that either.

Spy brushed the kid aside, and said that he was mistaking the two of you for his real parents. The kid just said, "Oh.. ok." and looked at the ground. Feeling a little guilty, Spy groaned and picked the kid up.

Placing the kid on his shoulders, the three of you started walking around looking for his parents. After a solid 30 minutes of walking around, you eventually found the child's parents.

Even though his time with the kid was brief, Spy secretly enjoyed looking after him.

Soldier began giving the kid a speech. He talked about turning him into a great soldier, and how the kid would one day "PUNCH COMMUNISTS WITH YOUR OLD MAN!"

Freaked out by Soldiers speech (and volume), the kid slowly backed away from you two, and eventually started running.

When Soldier noticed the kid was gone, he turned to you and said you two should have a kid! You spit out the water you were drinking. You had a long discussion with him about kids when you got home.

The Engineer squatted down and said, "Sorry kid, we ain't your parents. But how's about we go find them?"

He picked up the kid and started having a silly conversation with him. Seeing your man get along with a kid so well just made your heart burst (and was sort of a turn on).

Once the kid was back safely with his parents, you both turned to each other and said, "I want a kid!"

You both had a fun evening. *winks with both eyes*

"Hmmm hm hmmhm?!"

"No we can't keep it, Pyro!"

Pyro sighed and let the kid climb onto his back. It took a while to find the kids parents. When it was time to say goodbye, Pyro hugged the child and gave him a unicorn sticker.

"That nickname sounds familiar.. oh right, ain't that what you call me, darlin'?"


Despite being hit, Demo continued playfully teasing you about some very private things. You were both so distracted, that you forgot about the kid. He eventually left, because he got bored and couldn't understand why your face was so red.

"Aheh... what?"

Medic started blushing and stuttering.

"We aren't your parents! We don't even want kids! ....I think. Oh mein gott.. do you want kids?!"

You both started blushing and talking among yourselves. The kid just rolled his eyes and walked away.

Heavy flat out explained you two aren't his parents. He started asking the kid many questions; like, why he was alone and how did he got lost. The kid, unsurprisingly, started crying.

Heavy freaked out, and tried to comfort the child. He eventually just gave him $7,000. The kid immediately felt better and skipped away, holding the bundle of cash in his hand.

You were shocked by a number of things. You started asking, "Where did you get all that money? Why did you give it to a little kid? Why did you even have all that cash on you?"

Heavy kissed you to shut you up, and just  continued walking.

Ok, I'm just going to say it; I am CRAZY about Spydad or DadSpy or whatever you call it. Just Spy trying to be a good father reaally BUTTERS MY BISCUITS 


JUST TWO MORE REQUESTS! I don't know if I should celebrate or be worried lmao. 

Also, my last few chapters kinda flopped compared to previous ones. So idk if it's my writing, or the topic, or whatever, but I hope this one doesn't flop lol


If you have any requests, feel free to comment! I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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