Preference 22 :)

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What does he do when your sick? 🤒

I am sick, AGAIN, so that's what inspired me to write this lol.

ALSO: I'm running out of ideas (again, I know) so it would be really helpful if someone requested something :)



Scout will quarantine you. No matter how sick you are, you will be locked in your room and far away from scout. It's not because he's a germaphobe or anything, it's because he has a weak immune system, and gets sick very easily.

After a while though, he'll forget about the whole 'quarantine' thing and cuddle with you. But then he'll get sick, and you have to take care of him. Honestly, you'd rather be quarantined then take care of a sick scout.

When you get sick, sniper will do anything just to make you feel better. He doesn't really know how to take care of a sick person, so he does things for you that shouldn't be done for a sick person. Like seriously, who brings you ice cream when you have the flu?

Thanks to being out in the wild though, he's built a strong immunity to most common illnesses. That means he can cuddle with you all you'd like!

Similar to scout, spy would quarantine you. He'll put protective layers on the furniture and only go near you if necessary. He does this because 1) he doesn't want to get his stuff dirty, and 2) because he also has a very weak immune system.

Despite his precautions, he will eventually end up sick anyway. And even though you're both sick, he'll still avoid you like the plague.

Like mentioned in a previous chapter, soldier will take care of you until your better. He has a surprising amount of knowledge about common sicknesses, and won't let you do anything that'll slow down your recovery.

He won't take any precautions himself, but he rarely gets sick anyways. Plus, he really enjoys making you his famous 'VERY AMERICAN' soup.

Engineer would totally freak out. He has no idea how to take care of a sick person, so he'll drive you down to a hospital and tell them to, "Give it to us straight, doc."

Almost 99% of the time it's just a common sickness. He'd make your favorite meals and cuddle with you. If he ends up sick, he'll close the shop so you two can be sick together.

Like engineer, pyro would freak out. He doesn't know if you're dying, or if you just have the sniffles. When your sick, he treats you like it's your last days on earth.

He'll give you whatever you ask for, and hold you close. He obviously won't get sick because of his suit, but it's not like the flu is going to stop him from hugging his sunshine.

He'll make sure you're comfy, and he'd buy-.. I mean- 'make' you lots of warm meals. Demo makes sure he's completely sober while he's taking care of you, and you really love him for that.

He doesn't care if he gets sick or not, so he usually snuggles up with you and puts on some more trashy crime shows.

You are practically never sick with medic. Whenever either of you feel sick, he knows exactly what to do and doesn't wait to do it.

Every once and a while though, you will get sick, and medic does whatever he can to speed your recovery. Sometimes, he gets too focused on your health, he disregards his own, and will end up sick as well. When you both get sick, it's a big, miserable, cuddle-fest!

Heavy will treat you like an unknown object. He doesn't know if he should quarantine you or just let you be normal. Of course he'll do whatever he can to make you feel better, be he has no idea how to care for a sick person.

When you both get sick (which is always inevitable), you two will just lounge around the house, miserably eating soup and reading books.

This idea was kinda last minute, so that's probably why it's trash lol

I also wanted to post something just to let everyone know I'm short on ideas (again) and I would really appreciate if you guys requested something! ❤️

If you have any requests or writing tips then feel free to comment! I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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