Preference 55 :)

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It's movie night! How do the mercs handle movie night woooooo

I forgot how nice it is to receive requests 😌

WARNINGS: *horrible Australian accent* Got nuthin mate!

Scout loves movie night. It reminds him of his childhood, when he and his family would play movies every other week.

His favorite genre is action, so he practically begs you to play an action film every time. This is the only time you can get him to sit still for longer than 20 minutes. Scout gets so engrossed in the movie, he sometimes forgets you're there.

But after every movie, the first thing he always says is, "Psshh, I totally could've done all those action shots in real life."

Sniper was never really one for TV, but once he saw how happy it made you, it definitely grew on him. He often sets up a projector outside and plays the movies on the side of his camper.

Sniper grew fond of horror movies. They were exciting movies that got your heart pumping, but he mostly loved them because you'd snuggle closer to him when you got scared.

Spy is a huge fan of the classics. I'm talking black and white romances and dramas. You both enjoy cuddling on the sofa with a glass of wine while the movie plays.

Sometimes, Spy likes to make comments on the movie, like, "If Audrey chooses Nathanial over Winston, I'm going to shoot the TV and then myself."

Soldier loves watching wartime movies. He's a very loud movie watcher, so he often cheers or boos whenever something interesting happens during the film.

He's tends hogs all the snacks, so you might have to wrestle him to get them back. Soldier also isn't afraid to make comments about the accuracy of the movie. "IF THIS WAS REAL WAR, HE'D BE DEAD! CRYING ON THE FLOOR WITH MASCARA RUNNING DOWN IS STUPID FACE!"

Engineer loves the western movies. It sorta reminds him of home, so he smiles every time you guys watch them.

He loves just cuddling on the couch with a blanket and some popcorn. He sometimes laughs as the ridiculousness of the film, and points out all the flaws at the end of the movie.

Oh man, Pyro LOVES movie night! Get ready for huge pillow forts, numerous snacks and adorable cuddles! He gets especially excited when you play animated movies, so beware because he'll probably start a fire out of pure excitement.

So far his favorite movie is Peter Pan, so get ready to watch that movie 87 times every week.

Demo absolutely LOVES movie night! He gets to relax on the sofa with you leaning into his chest, a bottle of Scrumpy in one hand and a bowl of popcorn in the other.

His favorite movies are comedies, because he loves getting drunk then laughing at everything that happens. It's even better if you manage to get drunk first.

Medic never had much interest in movies and TV until you two got together. Now he looks forward to movie nights because he's a huge movie nerd (although he'll never admit it).

His favorite films are Science fiction ones. He often pulls project ideas from the films you two watch together, so be prepared to see some crazy shit.

Heavy also didn't have much interest in movies, and to be honest, he still doesn't. He'll watch them just to have an excuse to cuddle with you, but half the time he just falls asleep.

The only time it's guaranteed he'll stay awake, is when you put on Mystery movies. He loves solving puzzles, and often gets really excited watching these movies.

"GUNTHER! GUNTHER IS MAN WHO KILLED MARIA! Or maybe Stephen is murderer..."

After I wrote this I realized this is probably not what the person who requested it had in mind-

I hope you still like it y'all👉👈

It's unedited because I'm posting this at 4am 🤩

And In other news; I finished the outline for my fanfic! I've just ran into another road bump tho- I don't know how to write a fucking story.

Anyways hope y'all enjoy! Requests are open, so send those bad boys to me!!

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