Preference 37 :)

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HEY! It's been a while since my last update lmao. I got my phone back, which is great lol. Going back to school on Wednesday, which isn't very great...... lol

How they act when they meet your Parents for the first time! I Actually love this idea lol

Requested by GalaxyMoonlightAngel!

WARNINGS: No warnings today, Sir!

For some reason, Scout really wanted to dress like Tom Jones for the dinner with your parents. You absolutely refused to let him go as Tom Jones.

On the way there, he was acting super confident, and kept reassuring you that your parents were going to love him! His demeanor completely changed when you finally arrived at your parents house.

When your parents greeted him, Scout completely froze up and barely formed a complete sentence. During dinner, he actually tried to speak, but he usually ended up stuttering and derailing the whole sentence.

In the middle of the meal, you grabbed his hand under the table. This seemed to give him a confidence boost, because after that he was able to talk to your parents like his normal self. Your parents thought you two were cute together!

Sniper was extremely nervous for the entire week. The car ride to their house was even worse. He kept shifting his eyes, tapping on the steering wheel, muttering what he should say when he got there under his breath.

It was nice to know he was so determined to make a good impression, but you feared his nervousness would make him faint. He was practically sweating bullets when you knocked on the door.

After a while though, everything was going great and he gained his confidence back. But he choked on his food when your mom asked, "So, when am I getting some grandkids?"

Honestly Spy didn't seemed nervous at all. He was calm and collected the whole trip there, and made a wonderful first impression. His whole "Gentleman" vibe totally rubbed your parents right.

For a brief moment, you thought your mom was trying to flirt with him, but that wasn't the case... or... was it??

Although he would never admit it, he was actually kinda nervous about meeting your parents.

Soldier was excited to finally meet your parents! Well, he already met your mom when he asked you out [preference 7]. Throughout the whole car ride, he was talking about finally meeting your father and how they would all have a moment together talking about, "THOSE DIRTY COMMIES AND AMERICA!"

And what he said was true! 30 minutes into dinner, everyone was already complaining about politics and those Damn Communists!

Engineer was a little worried about meeting your folks. He felt better once you comforted him and said there was nothing to worry about.

Once he got there, we was extremely kind and polite; which your parents loved. He even passed the test of, "When are we getting grandkids?" and, "Have you popped the question yet?" Well done Engie!

After dinner, your Engineer and your father went outside to share a beer and fix up an old car. Of course, your father gave him the old, "if you hurt Y/N, I'll hunt you down" and blah blah. But in the end, both of your parents loved him!!

Pyro was super ecstatic about meeting your parents! He was so happy, he even made a bouquet of flowers for your mom! Granted, the "flowers" were actually sticks set on fire- but it's the thought that counts!

After running to the store and getting real flowers, you finally arrived at their house! At first, your parents were a little scared of Pyro, but they warmed up to him once they saw how happy he made you.

Although they couldn't understand what he was saying, your parents really liked his enthusiasm and giddiness.

This cyclops was extremely nervous about meeting your parents. He stayed sober though, because he really wanted to make a great first impression. He kept worrying about small things, like his appearance, his breath, his hair, etc. It was actually kinda cute.

Of course, when you two arrived, he was extremely polite and thoughtful. He even declined a drink when he was with your parents because he didn't want to get carried away. It's safe to say your parent loved Demo!

Medic wasn't too nervous about meeting your parents. But when you two arrived, he was anything but confident. He kept stuttering, and was accidentally switching from English to German; then he worried why everyone was looking at him strangely.

He did get more comfortable after a while though, and you're parents were actually put on edge once he came out of his shell. You had to pull him aside and ask him to stop telling your parents about his disturbing doctor stories.

A little embarrassed, he did tone down his stories, and your parents ended up liking him! Just be thankful he didn't tell them about the time he lost his medical license.

Heavy wasn't nervous or worried at all. He was glad to finally be meeting your parents or course, but he didn't need their approval to be your boyfriend (although it would have been appreciated).

Your parents faces went pale when they first saw heavy. Things were a little quiet at first, but Heavy eventually got a conversation going with you parents.

In the end, they both saw what a wonderful guy Heavy really is, and they knew you'd be safe and happy with him.

I have one more request after this, and then a bunch of little ideas! The next chapter will most likely be a small filler with lots of OwO

And honestly, I've really been considering opening an Instagram accnt for this book/Wattpad thing. But I have no idea what I should even post-

If you have any requests please feel free to comment themmm!!! Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

TF2 Imagines 🗿Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora