Preference 2 :)

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I've made a list of a whole bunch of writing ideas for this and I'm proud of myself! Because I did this, I deserve an ice cream break and 1 million years of sleep.
Also this is the second time you meet.
If one of the Mercs asked you to go somewhere in the first chapter, then this is that hangout thing.
I'm good at words let's gooo


In the baseball game Scout invited you to, you were both rooting for the same team (surprisingly). You two were the most energetic people in the stands; Yelling at the players, yelling at other people, jumping up with joy when a player from your team hit a home run and much more.

In the middle of the game, a player hit the ball into the stands and into Scouts face. Did it give him a black eye? Yes. Did he regret going to the game? No. He even asked for your phone number so you guys can go out again.

You met sniper at the coffee shop a few days after the opossum accident. You had a great time with him, exchanging camping stories and advice. He was actually a lot nicer then you thought, offering to pay for your coffee and snack. Although he was mysterious, (which intrigued you) the Australian was nothing less of a lanky gentleman.

Everything went smoothly until an opossum fell from the ceiling. You screamed and ran out of the cafe. You both still enjoyed the time you had spent together (despite being interrupted by an opossum) and exchanged phone numbers.

You accidentally ran into spy at an elite party in France. Regarding each other as old friends,  you sat down at the bar and conversed; warding away any unwanted advances by saying you both were together.

You thoroughly enjoyed spending the night with him, because finding someone as mysterious as yourself makes you... curious. When you finally part ways with him, he says, "Jusqu'à la prochaine fois, petit chou-fleur".

You met the hot-headed American at a bar. You were out having a couple of drinks with a friend when you noticed him staring at you. After a few seconds, he abruptly gets up and starts walking towards you. Panicking a little, you freeze up, with your drink halfway towards your mouth.

As quickly as he got up, he's now right in front of your table. Quite loudly, he explains he is sorry for accusing you of being a communist. You nervously laughed and accepted his apology. He then asked for your phone number so he can make it up to you. You hesitantly agreed.

You met him again when you and your friend got stranded on the road. Lucky for you, you were stranded near a gas station with a pay phone. You had to call him and get picked up. He laughed when he saw you in person, saying you were cursed for getting stranded twice.

When driving back to his workshop, you talked like old friends. You got so deep into the conversations that you actually forgot about your friend. Oops. Needless to say, you were glad you picked up that business card.

You met him in a parking lot outside a supermarket. He sat giddily in front of a pile of tires set ablaze. Having a long day, you walk up to the fire and throw some useless things you have into the fire. He clapped when the fire grew.

"Hmphm hmmm!"

"Uh, hello."

You say down next to him and watched the fire burn. You started a conversation with him, even though you didn't really understand him. It was fun, until a short Texan called him back to a pick-up truck.

He would come into the bar you work at often, so you had gotten to know him well. Granted, most of the time when you two talked, he was either ordering more drinks, sobbing about a crazy life experience, or both. He once said during Halloween, his lost eye would sometimes come back and haunt him and all his friends. What a bunch of bologna!

This time though, he tried to stay sober for as long as he can; because he couldn't talk to you very well if he was drunk, right? You both had a few good conversations before he got wasted. He went from talking to sobbing. But hey, who doesn't love a sensitive guy?

You actually saw him again in the Med bay. Soldier accidentally broke both of your arms, so the doctor was fixing you up. You and medic had a wonderful time exchanging stories from the past. You learned how he lost his medical license, and he learned how you karate chopped a bully in the privates.

You and heavy explored teufort together. He told you which bars serve the best drinks, which laundromats to avoid, and which grocery stores have the best deals. You enjoyed making a new friend and he enjoyed the change of pace.

It was nice to have most of the streets to yourselves too, because everyone either avoided you, or just didn't come out. You don't blame them though. Heavy's scary face and huge frame would scare anyone. But who wouldn't love a big, soft Russian?
Phew, I finally finished!
I had some trouble writing some of the bois, as you can probably tell lol.

Let me know what i can do to improve!
Requests are open and encouraged!

Thanks for reading!!

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