Preference 26 :)

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How the mercs get during arguments, and how they make it up 😔

Honestly I've been looking forward to writing this one. This request is super interesting. Oop

Requested by NarratorMoonBlood!

WARNINGS: 1 curse word 🗿

Whenever and argument breaks out, Scout always gets really defensive and usually very loud. Scout doesn't like to be wrong, and rarely admits it when he is. He's also a very stubborn person, and it often takes a while for him to realize his mistakes.

When he eventually apologizes and you two make up, he'll usually take you out or do something special for you; just to show you how sorry he is. Sometimes his gift is a little more personal, if you catch my drift. ;)

During fights, the Australian will usually back down and be the bigger person. He dislikes having arguments with you, and tries to avoid them if possible. When an unavoidable fight does come along, he gets really vocal.

He gets unnecessarily loud, and it takes a few hours or so for him to cool down. After he's calm, he won't hesitate to apologize and try to make up for the fight with some ice cream and cuddles.

Spy turns into a stone cold bitch. He honestly doesn't mean to be, but it's just his instinct to always try to win. He doesn't yell, but he'll definitely raises his voice and get very animated.

And if you thought Scouts waiting period for apologizing was long, then get ready for Spy's. It takes him a few days to finally become this bigger man and admit that he might be at fault. When you two are finally on good terms again, he'll take you out to a fancy dinner. And maybe something else might happen later. *wink wonk*

If you thought a normal Soldier was loud, wait until you see an upset Soldier. You often have to set up unused pieces of furniture in the back yard just so he can destroy it.

Once he lets all his anger out on the now broken IKEA shelf, he'll actually apologize to you, and say he never wanted to start a 'war' against you. He'll even make some soup to make up for his actions.

Similar to Sniper, Engineer hates getting into arguments with you. He tries to be the bigger man, but sometimes his temper will get the better of him.

But when this cowboy does get mad, he gets quite. He's one of those silent-but-scary people. He rarely raises his voice, and it's only when you say something very upsetting. After a little while, he'll come to terms with his mistakes and apologize profusely. After fights, you two like to cook or bake together.

Unsurprisingly, Pyro will act like an angry child. He'll throw an actual temper-tantrum. But instead of rolling on the floor crying, Pyro goes and sets the neighbor's lawn on fire.

It only takes about 20 minutes for him to feel bad though, and he'll give you a hand-made apology card saying, "Hm hmmh. :(".

Demo will start drinking half way into an argument. That only fuels the anger in you, which makes him more upset, which makes him drink more. He will eventually pass out drunk.

When he wakes up, he immediately apologizes; headaches and hangovers be damned! He will try and make it up to you however you want, which usually just ends in him cleaning the house as you chill on the couch.

Medic will get.. well a little crazy (so original, I know). He never lashes out or raises his voice, he just gets a little more crazed. You can always sense a shift in his demeanor and expressions. You usually have to calm him down so his emotions don't escalate. Long hugs and cuddles help.

Once he's calm, he'll apologize and you two will continue to talk about the problem. In a calmer way, of course. After a big argument like that, you both treat each other to a nice day of cuddles.

Heavy honestly starts petty fights over very small things. For example: "DID YOU EAT MY LAST SANDVICH?"

When it's just a petty fights, he gets over it in a few minutes and everything goes back to normal. But when it's a more serious fight, heavy will listen to what you say, reply with a few words, apologize then excuse himself. He leaves for a while, and comes back when he's calm, collected and ready to talk about the subject more.

After fights, he usually makes the next few meals you eat. He cooks your favorite foods and always adds a new twist. It's actually a great "I'm sorry" gift.

Oh god I feel like I wrote these terribly lol. Hopefully you guys like them tho. I'm waiting until I can write hardcore fluff again 😔

And guys, if you catch any mistakes, please point them out lol. I was re-reading some of the older chapters, and all the mistakes I caught made me want to delete the whole book lmao

ALSO: I've been thinking about starting a New one-shots book! I obviously won't be starting soon, because I'm still feeling like 'blehhh'. Bbbbut I wanted to know if I should start the other book, or just stick with this one. Let me know!

If you have any requests or writing tips then feel free to comment them! I hope you enjoyed the chapter!😘

TF2 Imagines 🗿Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang