Preference 39 :)

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How the mercs react to you having a miscarriage :(

I haven't been affected by this (obviously, I'm still a teen) so I don't know if any of this is just super exaggerated or not. I know it's a hard thing to go through but I don't know if I'm portraying it correctly, so if you feel something is wrong, please correct me.

WARNINGS: I know for sure that this can be a sensitive topic for some people so this is your warning. If you're going through something, don't be afraid to reach out to me. Love y'all 🥺❤️

Scout was crushed when the doctors explained what was happening. While at the hospital, Scout would halfheartedly tell a joke or a story to try and lifts spirits; both yours and his.

He knew all the pain he felt was ten times worse for you, and that just hurt him even more. When you got home, Scout wasn't his normal, hyper self. He was there for you of course, but he just stopped taking care of himself for a while.

Sniper just went... blank. He was became unfocused and empty. In the hospital, he would just stare into space and would barely react to anything.

When you both returned home from the hospital, you two spent a lot more time in nature. You would both sit outside in silence and just meditate. This was a form of therapy for the both of you, and it really did help. Slowly, Sniper started acting like himself.

Spy didn't know how to feel at first. He was grieving of course, but he also felt frustrated and upset. Was this one of Gods cruel punishments? Spy finally had another chance to be a good father, and someone denied him that privilege.

He wasn't mad at you, and he knew it wasn't your fault; but sometimes when he got angry or frustrated, he would mention the miscarriage and act like it was your fault.

He usually only did this when he was blind with rage, but he always hated himself afterwards. The two of you thought it would be healthier if you both took a break from each other for a while; although you would get back together soon.

Soldier was devastated when you guys learned the news. He grieved like a parent who lost their child at war.

He started over working himself everyday just to try and keep busy. To try and forget what happened. He went easier on you though. He took care of you and let you do as you pleased.

You eventually convinced him to go easy on himself, and you two started doing stuff together again; which lifted both of your spirits.

Engineer was heartbroken. He felt helpless; as he could only do so much to comfort you and himself.

The house was much more quiet after this. Engineer wouldn't work on projects as often and he closed the shop more frequently. After a while of it being like this, you both decided it was enough.

You slowly started resuming your old life style and it was wonderful. When you first heard him play guitar after all that time, you were brought to tears. You both eventually healed together.

Pyro was more focused on helping you get through the difficult time. He was grieving of course, but he directed his attention to you first before he started helping himself.

It took a while for the both of you to go back to the way things were; but Pyro acted a little less childish after this tragedy.

You both started downing the alcohol as soon as possible after learning the horrible news. You'd drink until you pass out, then you'd continued to drink when you woke up.

It was actually Demo who was the first to sober up a little after a few days of drinking and participating in this unhealthy habit. He convinced you to stay sober for a while and you two were able to talk out everything.

You both stayed completely sober for a while; at least until you had come to terms with what happened and finally found peace.

Medic was depressed for a while. He completely blamed himself for the miscarriage, saying he wasn't keeping close enough watch on your progression.

For a little while, he shut himself up in his lab and only came out for work and sleep. When you finally cornered him and pleaded him to talk to you, he burst into tears and started sobbing apologies. You both started crying and that was the turning point.

You both started communicating and moving past the experience together.

This was the first time you saw him cry. The two of you grieved together for a while. He felt so powerless in this situation, and he hated all the pain and guilt you both were feeling.

Heavy was never much of a drinker, but he definitely started drinking more during this time. Over time you both decided enough was enough, and you tried to move past these rough times together.

That moment when you eat too many almonds and you feel like throwing up-


And I'm sorry again for the late update I'm just really busy with school and family and the whole sha-bam

Please tell me if y'all see any mistakes, I'm really tired right now so I probably didn't check it well enough lmao
I don't really have any more requests so I wanted to give you a little list of ideas to see if y'all like them! Tell me which ones to write and which ones to delete lmao

Behold! The list:

Also the next chapter is going to be a filler, then my last request (for now)!

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Also the next chapter is going to be a filler, then my last request (for now)!

If you have any requests comment them down below 😎! Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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