a different fish from the sea

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"Excuse me! Get out of my way! Thank you!"

I wonder if she has all these lines planned beforehand. And if so, how many does she have?
Zoe taps my shoulder once she approaches me.
I turn around to face her. The first thing i noticed was her lashes, she has mascara on. I haven't seen that in a long time.

"Wanting to impress someone?" I ask teasingly.

"Oh totally!"

"Who's princess charming?" I knowing ask.

"If you think it's izzy then no...it's obviously you," she smiles.

I roll my eyes and continue walking with Zoe trailing behind.

"Hey...have you seen Eleanor?" I haven't seen her in 2 days. Not even at the tree where she usually picks up delilah. The last time we talked was at the diner. After that she didn't show up to school or talk to me.
Zoe shakes her head.

"You miss her?" Zoe nudges me.

I shove her away.

"No," i answer shortly.

It's not that i miss her. It's just a bit less fun without her, that's all. As i get to my class a kiss zoe's cheek and give her a quick hug before parting ways.
I don't think I'll ever like school. I'm nothing like Zoe, she loves to read, to solve equations, to do anything related to education.

My thoughts are interrupted by the teacher.

"We have a new student so I'll need Alexina to move one chair back so Mrs-" he pauses and asks for the new student's name who is still out in the hallway and won't show their face.

My curiosity is too strong. I know it's a girl by the little information the teacher has given.

"Yes, for Mrs. Taylor," the teacher finally says.

I furrowed my brows as i gather my stuff to move to the seat behind mine. I haven't heard of a girl named Taylor that lives here. Maybe she just moved as well?
How many new people are going to arrive?

My curiosity of wanting to know who the knew girl is, disappears in seconds as she steps inside the classroom.
She is...beautiful.
She walks towards my row and starts heading my way. She sends a smirk my way before sitting down.
And that's how waterfalls in nature were created.
As she sat down i caught a whiff of her perfume.

It was the perfect scent. Almost like Eleanor's. But i think the new girl's perfume can never surpass Eleanor's scent.

"Alexina...if you could, after class help Taylor catch up on the work she has missed. I'll write both of you passes since you'll be late for your next classes," the teacher says.

I nod. Well that's one way to get to know the new girl. Class was boring and it went by slow. The bell finally rung. I was about to run out the class when i remembered i had to stay behind.

"I'll leave you two to that. I have to go to a meeting. Make sure to close my door before leaving," the teacher informs.

"Yes, sir," i respond before sitting back down on my seat.

Taylor turns around in her seat to face me.

"So...Alexina, is that right?" She smirks.

I gulp but i nod. She hums in response and places her pen between her teeth. She eyes me and looks down at my desk. Then her eyes travel back up to my eyes. She raises an eyebrow.

"Are you going to help me or are you going to keep staring?" She whispers.

I can feel myself starting to turn red.

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