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"I said which house, Galiana?!" I yell.

She shakes her head. "Don't do anything stupid!"

"Fuck that! Answer my question now!"

She points at a scrappy looking house that can be taken out in one puff of air. I park the car and tell Galiana to stay inside. I slam my door shut and march towards the house. My blood is boiling.
I bang on the door and after 3 'knocks' the door swings open.


"Is Victor here?" I interrupt the older woman.

"I'm sorry but who are you-"

"Is your son here?" I raise my voice. I hate to do it but I have no patience at the moment.

"Excuse me but what the hell do you want with my son?" She asks.

"I'm sorry! But your son raped my sister, I would like to beat his ass-"


I look over her shoulder and see a boy around my age. His good looks won't last long. I disrespectfully move the woman aside and enter her home without permission. It was stupid but I couldn't contain myself. I grab the guy from his collar and lift my fist, ready to throw the first punch when a hand grabs my wrist.

"Wrong one, victor is in his room," the woman says.

I nod and let the boy in front of me go. He looks at me as if I were crazy, maybe I am but I got my reasons. The woman signals me to follow her and I do.

"Sorry," I apologize to the boy before walking away.

He nods but says nothing. The woman leads me into a hallway. I look at the door that is at the end of the dark hall, the bottom of the door was lightened with light coming from the room.

"He'll get another beaten from his father when he gets home. I'll call the police in a bit, we'll say you hit him by self defense, okay?"

Damn, this woman is a sugar pie. I smile at her before swinging the door open.

There he lied in his bed with headphones in and phone in hand. He caught a glimpse of me and jumped up from his bed.

"Who are you? What're you doing in my room-"

I threw the first punch, catching him off guard. Then I threw another one. He fell to the ground and I kicked him in the stomach. If I do any further, it won't seem like self defense anymore. Maybe one more. This kick went to the groin.

"Fucking piece of shit! Rot in jail. If only I could kill you!" I yell at him.

He moans in pain as he lies on the ground. Next time it'll be 6 feet under. I walk out the room passing the woman who was watching everything. She had a look of satisfaction.

"Thank you," she shakes my hand.


I walk out the house and head towards my car. I get in and look at Galiana who had a look that said nothing. I couldn't read her expression.

"T-thank you..." she whispers.

I put a hand on her shoulder. "What do you plan on doing with the baby? I'll support you in any decision you make."

She looks at me. "I'm sorry," she began to cry.

I frown. I have no idea what to do in these types of situations. Should I ask why? Do I hug her?
Why is she apologizing in the first place? That's my main question.


"For everything I've done to you. For outing you, for being such an asshole. For humiliating you so many times. For being the worst person ever with you. It's embarrassing to even think of all the things I've done to you. I am so sorry, Alexina," she sobs.

AfternoonsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang