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"You did what?!" Eleanor yells at me. Her ears were red, they do that when she is mad or whenever she laughs too hard. But I know that she is mad right now. It's obvious.

"What's so wrong with what I did? Nothing happened," I say calmly.

"You used to fuck her, Alexina," my girlfriend reasons.

"Yeah but I only went to get my notes. What's wrong with that? We didn't do anything. Why would we? I have you," I smile as I reach for her hand.

"I'm not convinced," Eleanor confesses as she backs away so I don't touch her.

I frown. "Why? Don't you trust me?"

"I do but not her."

"Taylor? She literally made no wrong moves while I was there. She passed me the notes, she offered me lunch, and then I left," I explain.

Eleanor shakes her head and sits on my bed.

"Oh come on, sweetheart! I promise you, nothing happened between us."

Eleanor looks up at me with a blank face. She stands back up and approaches me. She intimidates me. I have to be honest, she really does. But like in a good way. Wait... can one be intimidating in a good way?

The closer she gets, the further back I get. That's until my back hits the door.

"Why do you always back up when I get close to you?" She asks.

I swallow but I don't answer.

She tilts her head to the side and examines my face.
She looks stunning. Breathtakingly, stunning. Air got caught in my throat by just looking at her.

Eleanor leans forward a bit, hovering her lips over mine.

"Answer," she demands. When she spoke her lips barely brushed against mine. That kind of excited me. I have no idea why.

"I don't know," I breathe out.

She seemed pleased with my answer. She finally presses her lips against mine. I couldn't help but hum into the kiss, making my lips tingle a bit.
Or maybe it was because of the sensation of her lips against mine.

After a few seconds we both began to move our lips against one another. I could feel her hands roaming my body. They finally landed on my hips, where she pushed them back, almost slamming them against the door. It was a pretty harsh movement but I liked it.
I surprisingly liked it.

This time, we decided to take it a step further, by adding some tongue.
I've kissed a few girls. Some where I did add tongue, others I didn't. And when I did, it didn't change anything other than something roaming your mouth.
But right now that Eleanor is doing this to me, I feel different.
Different as in, I can feel her trying to be gentle yet controlling. I can feel her touching my hips while I feel her in my mouth too. I can feel her.

I couldn't help myself but bring my hands up to her head and tug on her hair a bit. She had her hair down, meaning I could run my fingers through her hair. And as I did, I kept on kissing her and feeling her.

After a few more seconds of kissing, we ran out of air and we had to force ourselves to stop. I rested my head against the door as she rest her forehead against mine.
I was still running my fingers through her hair as we waited to catch our breaths.

"I love your hair," I breathe out.

She giggles lightly. "Thank you."

"And your lips."

"Really?" She asks coyly.


She hums in response and kissed my lips one more time. It wasn't a quick kiss. It was a kiss where she took her time to feel my lips against hers.
When she broke away I felt disappointed. I wanted to continue but I had to study.

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