[04] Cuatro.

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"Hey, Billie."


We had been walking for a few hours, on our way to the safe zone that was East of the country. Billie said the sun supposedly rises in the East or something, so we just had to be aware of the shadows. Honestly, I didn't know shit, so I was blindly following her.

If I died, at least I'd be able to say a pretty girl led me to my death.

We had found a road in between the forest, trees on each side, calmly walking side by side. It was a pretty cool place, I wished I still had my camera with me.

"You wanna hear a joke?" I asked her.

"Hell yeah, bro," She smiled.

"Prepare to be amazed," I winked.

"If it sucks, I'm leaving you tied up to a tree and going by myself."

"So kinky," I gasped, putting a hand over my mouth. "I didn't know we had that kind of relationship, daddy."

"You're a pain in the ass, you know that, right?"

"Yes." Billie rolled her eyes. "So, the joke. What's black and white, black and white, black and white, black and white?"

"I don't know, what?"

"A penguin falling down the stairs."

She stopped walking and looked at me like I was the most stupid person she could've ended up with. "You're kidding, right?"

Something moved behind her.

"Shut up," I whispered, tightening the hold on my knife.

"That was the worst joke I've ever heard."

"Billie, shut up the fuck up."

She seemed to understand I was being serious and quickly turned around, her gun already out.

Some bushes were moving a few meters away.

Both of us waited until whatever was behind appeared.

It was a zombie without legs, now slowly crawling its way to us.

"Okay, that was less serious than I thought it would be," she said, aiming for its head.

"Wait, don't shoot!" I warned, but it was too late, Billie had already pulled the trigger.

The gun made an impossibly loud sound, the bullet hitting next to his head.

She cringed.

I chuckled.

"Did you just..."

"Don't," Billie glared at me.

"It was really close, how did you miss that shot?"

"I suck at aiming, okay?" She lifted both of her arms.

I made my way to the still crawling zombie and stabbed it several times it on the head.

"Listen, Billie." The girl had her face buried on her hands, one of them still held the gun. "First of all, you don't waste ammo on one little zombie," standing up, I made my way to her. "Second, you don't shoot a gun unless there is no other option. Shooting a gun makes people and zombies know you are here," I took the gun from her hand, making her look at me. "And third, I'm keeping this," I put the gun in my pants.

"Yeah, whatever," she huffed, rolling her eyes.

"Honestly, if I had known you were this bad aiming, I wouldn't have worried when you were pointing the gun at my head."

The End Of The World [Billie Eilish]Where stories live. Discover now