[07] Siete.

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"Fuck, Billie, fucking hurry!" I said, hurriedly making my way outside the place we were in as shots rang from inside the house.

"I'm fucking trying, don't be annoying!" she shouted at me, slamming the front door closed.

We started running down the path towards the forest, escaping from the family of the dude I killed.

A shot passed really close to my hear, making it ring.

"Crap," I hissed as my vision clouded, making it harder for me to run.

I grabbed Billie's arm and pulled her towards the woods, trying to lose the guys chasing us by hiding behind the trees.

"We will get you you fucking bitches, and how will we fucking enjoy it!" Someone screamed as they reloaded the rifle on their arms, the others already chasing us.

"Fuck y'all, come fucking get us!" Billie shouted back at them while she flipped them off, still running.

"I don't think that's a good--," I started saying, but a bullet going through my shoulder made me scream out in pain, my hand going up to put pressure on the wound to try and stop the bleeding. "Fuck!"

"Shit, [Y/N]!" She stopped beside me.

Another shot passed really close to us, making us run faster than before.

The woods were getting darker now, the trees' leaves not letting the sun shine through them.

After a while we finally found a (kinda?) good place to hide, crouching behind a big fallen tree.

"Do not stop running once we start again," I warned Billie. "Even if they get me, don't you dare stopping!"

"I can't just fucking leave you behind, are you insane?!"

"I can fight back, I have--."

"A fucking useless arm, that's what you have!" She hissed.

"Don't start this shit right now, I'm gonna fucking punch you."

"With what? The useless arm? cause that's your good one."

"We are being chased right now, stop this shit or--," I stopped talking, trying to see if I could listen to the guys.

"What?" Billie looked behind her.

"I can't listen to them, I think we lost them."

"Well I fucking hope so, we have to figure out what to do with your arm now," she said turning her head towards me, looking at a point over my head. "Shit, [Y/N] behind you!"

I turned around quickly to see a boot about to crash with my face.

I fell to the ground, the taste of blood filling my mouth.

"Fuck, let go of me!" I heard Billie screaming.

Looking up, I saw a man and a woman both holding her.

I tried to stand up again, only for another boot to land on my ribs making them crack, the same place the man I had killed previously had kicked me.

"[Y/N]!" Billie screamed desperately.

"You fucking bitches killed our father," the man that kicked me spoke. "And now you're gonna pay for it."

He started to kick me again, making me cough blood.

"You fucker, stop this shit!" The former artist shouted at him.

"Well, aren't you a pretty one?" He said, slowly walking towards Billie, coming to a stop once he was standing in front of her, grabbing her face and making her look up at him. "Maybe we can let you live, we'd for sure enjoy it."

Billie spit at his face.

"You bitch!" he screamed, rubbing his face with his hands, trying to clean it. "You're dead, now."

He took a gun out, aiming it at Billie's head, the girl didn't stop glaring at him even one second.

"Stop," I cried. "Please stop!"

He pulled the trigger a really loud bang making my ears ring.


"No!" I woke up startled, sitting up on the bed as I tried to catch my breath.

When I took my surroundings in I realized the sun hadn't even come up yet, the moon coating the room in a soft glow. Billie was sitting in front of me, she had apparently been woken up by my constant moving and mumbling.

"Hey," Billie said softly, looking at me, "are you okay, mamas?"

"I'm--," I stuttered. "We were--."

"Hey, it's okay," the blue eyed girl put her hand on the side of my neck, "come here."

She guided my head to her shoulder, moving closer so I was sitting between her legs. She then tangled her left hand on my hair, while her right one rubbed slow circles on my lower back, under the shirt.

I took my time to breathe her in, softly pushing my face against her neck and getting my breathing to a normal rhythm again before speaking, "I'm sorry I woke you up."

I wrapped my arms around her torso.

Billie's nails ran through my hair and a sigh escaped throat, the warm air from my lungs hitting her skin, making goosebumps appear on Billie's neck as a result.

"Shut up, bro," she said, laying her cheek on my head. "You saved my ass hours ago, let me take care of you now."

We spent a a while sitting like that, until I started to doze off.

Billie softly shaked my shoulder, making me move away from her enough to look at her in the eyes as she held my face with both of her hands.

"Let's lay down again," she said, already doing so.

Yes, I had convinced the pretty girl to sleep next to me in case I had nightmares, (it was supposed to be a joke, I didn't think it would actually happen, but oh well), my gay heart beat so fast when she said yes.

I lay on my side, facing Billie, who pulled me closer hugging me as my head went under her chin. I hid my face against her neck.

"Hey, Billie?" She hummed in acknowledgement. "Can you sing something?" I asked shyly.

"Sure, you big lesbian," Billie said as her hand started to rub circles on my back.

"Fuck you," I mumbled against her neck.

She only chuckled, clearing her throat then starting to sing softly.

I had a dream,
I got everything I wanted.
But when I wake up, I see,
You with me.

I just stayed there, dozing off while a fucking angel sang me to sleep.

And you say, "As long as I'm here,
No one can hurt you.
Don't wanna lie here,
But you can learn to.
If I could change,
The way that you see yourself.
You wouldn't wonder why you're here,
They don't deserve you."

The last thing I felt before falling asleep was a kiss against my hair.

But maybe I imagined that.


Hello, it's me again.

I didn't read this through, so if there are any mistakes, let me know.

Billie won a ton shit of Grammys, how cool is that?!

The End Of The World [Billie Eilish]Where stories live. Discover now