[06] Seis.

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"What the fuck are we gonna do?!" Billie asked, exasperated.

"You are going to hide," I said as I pointed at the closet that was in the room we were currently in. "And I am going to--, crap," I groaned, grabbing the gun that was on the bed. "I don't know what the fuck I'm gonna do! Probably cry while I figure it out."

"That's not a really good plan."

"Dude, I swear to god I'll let that man kill you and escape if you don't go hide in this fucking second."

"Okay, okay," Billie said, motioning for me to calm down with her hands. "I'm going, jeez."

I waited until the closet was fully closed, told her to lock the doors with whatever she could find, and hide behind the clothes.

"Hey, [Y/N]?" I heard as I opened the door to the hallway.


"Please be safe."

"I'll do my best, you crybaby."

A muffled 'fuck you, you asshole' came from the closet as I went outside, closing the door behind me.

Slowly walking in the direction of the stairs, careful not to make a sound, I looked around as I tried to pick up on any kind of noise the man could make.

When I reached the stairs I heard footsteps coming my way and quickly entered the closest room, which was a bathroom.

I was starting to panic as I looked around to find a place to hide, the footsteps were getting closer by the second.

The door opened moments after I entered the shower, hiding behind the curtain.

"Ah, crap," a man said from the other side. "I'm too old for this shit."

That was a good thing; if the dude was old it'd be easier for me to take him down, I thought as I tried to look at him from over the shower curtain.

He had his back to me, standing in front of the sink, holding his weight on his arms as he leaned over it, looking down.

I couldn't go out without making noise, and I couldn't shoot him from this angle as I needed both of my arms to lift myself.

The man looked up from the sink, and we made eye contact through the mirror. His rage instantly evident.

Su puta madre.

"Who the fuck are you?!" He screamed as he turned around.

I quickly hid behind the curtain again, and as I was grabbing the gun from my pants the man pulled the fabric, ripping it and making it fall to the floor.

He grabbed a fistful of my shirt and threw me towards the sink, my back and head hitting the porcelain as a crack was heard.

Too old for this shit my ass, dude's strong as shit.

"I'm going to fucking kill you, you cunt!" The dude said, lifting his right leg to kick me.

I lifted the gun and shot him, the bullet going through his left shoulder as he fell on one knee screaming, but the pain only seemed to make his anger worse as he grabbed my neck and smashed my head against the floor, making my back be against it as he choked me, the gun falling from my hand.

I for sure like being choked, but not like this.

I was trying to reach the gun as my vision fogged.

"You fucking bitch, you'll rot in hell!" he spit at my face.

Changing tactics I put my hands on his face and my thumbs on his eyes, pushing foward.

The man screamed, letting go of my neck as his eyes had started to bleed. Coughing as I tried to recover my breath, I reached for the gun, but as I turned around to shoot him, he had stood up and kicked me on the ribs.

"Fuck!" I cried out, I hugging myself to protect my torso as he kicked me again, and again, all his kicks landing on my back.

I opened my eyes to look for the gun again and it was a few centimeters away from my hand. I reached for it and held it close to my stomach, waiting for the guy to be preparing a hard kick.

As the opportunity came, I quickly turned around, shooting the gun until it ran out of ammo, the man falling on top of me, holding his stomach.

Coughing blood his right hand tried to reach for my face, before it fell to the floor, the man not having enough strength to move it properly.

I pushed his body backwards, making it fall off me, and as he choked on his own blood I couldn't help but feel bad for him, this was probably his house, and we were the ones invading it and taking his stuff.

Once I was sure the man was dead I slowly stood up, my whole body ached and it made me moan in pain.

I put the gun back in my pants as I walked to the bedroom Billie was in, entering and closing the door behind me, falling to the floor, my back against it.

"[Y/N]?!" a voice screamed from the closet.

Movement could be heard from inside it, and a few second later the door opened letting a worried Billie come out.

Hehe, Billie came out of the closet.

I laughed, then winced as my ribs hurt.

"What the fuck happened to you, dude?!" She asked, kneeling in front of me. "And why the fuck are you laughing?!"

"You just came out of the closet," I said grinning.

She paused, looking at me like I had gone mad.

"At least you're still a dumb ass," she said sighing. "Come on, let's get you to a bed." Billie put my arm around her shoulders and her arm around my waist, helping me stand up.

"Damn, Billie, I didn't take you for one of those girls."

"I swear to god I'll let you on the cold floor suffering if you don't shut up."

I huffed in response.


After she had checked to see if anything was broken, (luckily it wasn't), she brought an aid kit to tend the open wound that was on my left eyebrow. Aid kit that she went to look for in the bathroom where a dead man was.

"There's a dead man in the bathroom."

"Yeah, no shit, Sherlock. I killed him."

"At least fucking warn me next time."




"Also, you broke the sink."

When my wounds had been taken care of, we took the chance to rest peacefully.

Well, as peaceful as two women on an apocalyptic world in a house with a dead man in the bathroom could be.

"You know what I miss?" Billie asked. She was laying on the bed next to me, with her legs on the wall.



"I just killed a guy and almost got killed, yet you somehow end up talking about vine?"

"Yeah, vine was fucking great."



Hello, it's been almost a month but I was on vacations so I regret nothing.

Sorry if there are any mistakes, I'm dumb.

The End Of The World [Billie Eilish]Where stories live. Discover now