[10] Diez.

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"What the fuck are you guys doing?!" The voice was coming closer.

We were still surrounded by men with guns aimed at our heads, waiting to see if we were gonna live to see another day, but as soon as they had heard the person that was screaming at them to stop, the men had visibly tensed.

"What is going on?" I heard Billie whisper, as she took a step closer to me, holding my left arm with her hand.

"I have no idea," I whispered back, putting my hand on top of hers. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Ariana roll her eyes.

Hey, a girl gotta take her chances anyway she can.

"That's what I was trying to fucking say this whole time," the popstar said exasperated.

"Move," the voice said, making the men part so she could pass through.

"Miss Grande, we--"

"Shut the hell up, Jimmy," an older woman now was in front of us.

"Mom!" Ariana grinned, hugging her, her mother excitedly returning the hug.

"I'm lost."

"That's Ariana's mom," Billie pointed at the old lady.

"Yeah, no shit, Sherlock."

"Well, you asked..."

"Billie, shut up."

"You started it!"

"No I did not!"

"Can you useless lesbians shut the fuck up?" Ariana groaned, waiting for us to look at her, "thanks."

"Bitch," I mumbled, earning a slap on my arm from Billie.

"Mom! What was taking you guys so long?"

"Oh, baby. We meant to look for you as soon as they took you, but..." Joanne cringed as shelooked at the men.

"You're annoying..." One of them mumbled, earning a slap on the back of his head.

I snorted, "yeah, no shit."

"[Y/N], stop."

"We just had to think of an strategy to get you without risking your life!" Her mother continued as if big dude #3 hadn't interrupted.

"You could've done it a little faster, don't ya' think?"

"We were on our way to get you, miss," not so big dude #2 said. "But we saw you entering the town with those two," he waved his hand in our direction, "so we waited until you were further into town to get you."

"I'll let this one pass," Ariana warned, "if you make it up to me later," she winked.

The guys seemed thrilled by this, and gladly agreed to, and I quote, make the days spent away worth it.

"Did she just...?" Billie whispered.

"Is that a sexual innuendo?" I mumbled back at her.

"Girls!" Ariana's mother called. "To show how thankful we are that you saved our baby, we'll let you stay with us today."

"We'll have a huge dinner to celebrate!" One of the men exclaimed.

"I mean, I can't say no to food," Billie shrugged.


"[Y/N] can stay outside," Ariana said, smirking.

"Fuck you."


"Woah," Billie exhaled.

"I know..."

"That was..."

"I know!"

"Well, it's finally over now."

We had finally gotten to the bedroom Ariana's moved provided for us, after the most awkward dinner I had ever had, filled with Ariana flirting with each and every single men, which, if you like that, good for you girl, but let people eat in peace.

The food was amazing, and it made me miss even more the time when there were no zombies around and you could go to nice restaurants and eat whatever you pleased.

Billie looked so excited to be eating delicious food again, and it was the cutest sight ever, she was practically bouncing.

My heart was not ready to listen to her moans of pleasure as she tasted the food. My mind will never recover. The eargasm was real.

Man, I truly won't survive this trip.

"And we finally get to sleep on a fluffy bed,"  I sighed, jumping on top of it.

They'd given us an actual big bedroom, with a King sized bed that was disturbingly clean for being some months into an apocalypse.

"You're just happy you get to cuddle with me."

"I mean, where's the lie? Your boobs sure are comfortable."

The singer laughed. "So you only like me for my boobs?"

"No, there's also your impossibly perfect face, that I still don't get how it can be so perfect, and your amazingly calming voice."

"Damn, mamas, be careful or I might thing you're in love with me," Billie joked, heading into a closet that was next to the bathroom.

Ah, if she only knew my small lesbian heart beats for her.

"Why do they wanna go to a safe place up north if they have thos fucking amazing here?" I asked loudly, so she'd be able to hear me through the walls.

"Maybe they don't consider this place safe enough," I heard Billie say from the inside. "Hey, there's some pretty cool clothes in here!"

"How can you not consider this place safe?"

"What do I know? Probably because--, oh my god!" She screamed.



"Billie?! What's wrong?!" I got up and quickly walked towards the closet.

Once I got to the door I saw her grinning at me, holding a hoodie up so I could see it.

"They have my merchandise!"

"Do not scare me like that, you asshole!" I scoffed, hitting her arm.

"Don't be such a baby, this is exciting! We're dressing you up in my merch," her grin was just getting bigger and bigger.

In reality, I would've let her do whatever she wanted with me, but I was obviously not going to let her know that.

"Woohoo, fun," I said sarcastically, but a smile made it's way out.


"Shit, I'm tired as fuck." A yawn escaped Billie's mouth as she stretched her back and arms. "You better cuddle me to sleep, mamas."

We were already in bed, dressed up in Billie's merch much to her excitement.

"As if you'd have it any other way," I said, laying on my side and opening my arms.

She laid in between them, with her face pressed against my neck, and let out a huge sigh, her cold breath hitting my skin.

"You say that as if you don't enjoy it," she mumbled.

"I absolutely do not," I whispered, my fingers already running through her hair, making her sigh again.

"G'night, [Y/N]." Her arms tightened around my waist, and she pressed a kiss on my neck.

That's some lesbian activity right there.

"Wait, Billie." The blue eyed girl only hummed in acknowledgement, already half asleep. "Do you think the big dudes call Ariana and her mother mistresses?"

She let out a long sigh, "why do I put up with you?"

"Cause I'm nice," I smiled.


a filler chapter cuz I'm a lazy bitch.

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