[05] Cinco.

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"Bro, guess what I found," said Billie, as she entered the room I was in.

The house we had passed by was luckily full of either cool or useful stuff. It honestly seemed as if we were in some weird kind of movie in which there's a house with everything you need, but then something really bad happens 'cause it turns out the stuff you grabbed already belonged to someone.

Huh, talk about foreshadowing.

We had already taken some time to pack our bags with some of the things we found and get them ready to continue our trip, but we couldn't let the opportunity to sleep in a comfy bed pass, so we were spending the night. It was pretty late when we got there anyway.

"Your will to live?" I asked, not looking up from the comic I was reading.

"Rude," she scoffed, "and, no? I'm pretty sure I already got that, if not I wouldn't be here."

"True," I closed the comic, then looked up. "What did you find, then?" She didn't say anything, just lifted her right hand, which was holding a box that said UNO. "No way!"

"Yes way! I found a bunch of games in one of the rooms! But UNO is one of the best card games ever created."

"Well, what are we waiting for? let's destroy this friendship already," I said, grinning.

"Get ready to get your ass beaten."

Well, she could do whatever she wanted with this ass.

"Yeah, right," I took the cards from her hands. "You're talking with the best UNO player in the world, so there's no way you're beating me."


Apparently, I wasn't the best UNO player, because Billie won.

Every single time.

So after I gracefully accepted I was defeated...

"Bitch you fucking cheated!"

"No I did not, you're just a sore loser."

"¡Cállate, pendeja!"

"Wait, you speak Spanish? That's hot."

...We went on an exciting quest of finding another board game I could beat her in.

And honestly, nobody can be that good at board games. Like, what the fuck?

She beat me on almost every game!

Monopoly? Yup.

Clue? Of course!

Ludo? Fuck yeah.

Guess who? Absolutely.

Connect 4? Uh huh.

Chess? Sí.

The only game I beat her at was Battleship, and it was because I fucking cheated, looking at where her ships were placed when she wasn't paying attention.

I would say life hates me, but Billie seemed to enjoy my suffering, so she kept laughing and grinning.

She looked so beautiful.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't enjoying it.

I mean, if god puts a pretty girl in front of me, a lesbian, it's 'cause she wants me to admire her masterpiece.

And Billie was the most beautiful of them all.

Who was I to go against god herself?

"I'm not playing board games with you ever again."

"You're such a baby."

"Shut the fuck up, I'm not," I said as I flipped her off.

Billie laughed and left the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

Honestly, I hadn't felt this at peace in a while. You sometimes forget to appreciate the small things you have in life until it's too late. How can simple board games make you feel so at ease when the world is falling apart?

It's sad to think that the smallest things are the ones that make you the happiest now. I'd pretty much rather be an ungrateful bitch that took things for granted if it meant the world wasn't fucked up anymore. Learning to be thankful for things isn't so great when it hurts this much.

But hey, meeting pretty girls is always a plus, huh?

As I was finishing the seventh chapter of the current comic I was reading, Billie came running to the room.

"Hey, uhm," she whispered out of breath as she pushed herself against the door. "We might have kind of an issue."

"What did you do?" I asked, getting off the bed.

"First of all, fuck you," Billie cleared her throat. "And, well, while I was downstairs looking for something to eat I heard footsteps coming this way, so I was like, 'meh, probably zombies, who cares?' and continued looking for food and then--," she bit her lip.

"What?" I urged.

"--The footsteps kept coming closer and I was like, 'okay, not normal,' then went to investigate and--," she hesitated.

"Billie, I swear to god if you don't finish the story right now I'll shoot you in the face, and that would be such a shame because you have a really beautiful one."

"A really big dude might be on his way to the house?" She said, cringing.

A door slammed downstairs.

"Let me rephrase that," Billie whispered. "A really big dude might already be inside the house."



i DiDn'T aSk tO bE bOrN LaTiNa, nO mÁs tUvE sUeRtE.

Finally got myself to finish this chapter, I'm sorry it took so long.

As always feedback is greatly appreciated.

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