[08] Ocho.

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"This bitch trynna fuck," Billie said jumping, as we walked down the street.

"Can you stop?"

"This bitch trynna fuck," she said again.

"Billie, you've been doing this for hours can you--,"

"Aye, bro, this bitch trynna fuck!"

"--please stop?"

"This bitch trynna--," she would've had continued to annoy me hadn't it been by her face planted on the ground.

I snorted, "that's what you get, dumbass," I said, leaving her behind as she tried to get up, spitting earth out of her mouth. "Now please don't fall again," unless it's in love with me, "cause we don't want your angel face ruined, 'kay?"

"Whatever," she grumbled.

After that one night where I had the honor of sleeping beside an angel herself, we spent a few more days until we had everything ready, with weapons and ammo already inside our backpacks, and I was healthy enough.

We had been walking for a few days already, and at night, while one of us slept the other was making rounds.

Sadly, we hadn't found a safe place to sleep in a while, so sleeping next to Billie was out of the question. Even though she most of the time slept with her head resting on my thighs while I ran my fingers through her hair.

"When do you think we'll get somewhere safe again? My back is killing me," I complained, as my right hand rubbed my lower back.

"I think you're only sad 'cause you haven't been able to sleep next to me, mamas," Billie joked, winking.

Pretty much, yeah. That was fucking amazing, I loved it, I could sleep next to you the rest of my life. I could've died right there and I would've been fucking happy, the peak of my existence, to be honest. It does not get better than that.

"As if," I scoffed, "I'm just tired of my legs being used as pillows."

"Babes, no offense, but not even you would believe that shit."

Babes, babes, babes, babes, babes, babes, babes, babes, babes, babes, babes, babes--

"Shut up," I mumbled, but she just laughed and started walking ahead of me.

Goddammit, this fucking girl was gonna make me lose my mind.

We kept the same route for a few days until we reached a small town, in which we started searching the houses, hoping we could find either a place to sleep or supplies.

"You know what I don't miss?" I mentioned while we were walking down a street.



"What are you talking about? College was amazing," she said, smirking.

"You sure as hell didn't go to college bitch, so suck my dick." Billie could only laugh, holding her abdomen. "Laugh all you want, but not everyone is a lucky bastard with the voice of an angel."

"Those are talentless people's problem," she joked. "What were you studying, anyway?"

"Well, I was--"

"Fuck you! Let me go, you bastard!" We heard further down the street, making us hide behind a car.

"Shit, what are we gonna do now?!" Billie asked, worried.

"Wanna make out?"

"I'm gonna fucking punch you in the throat."

"Choke me, daddy."

The End Of The World [Billie Eilish]Where stories live. Discover now