Chapter 14- Nostalgia Overload

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Hi guys! This chapter is going to be very long. The pictures I have used are from pinterest and do not belong to me. The girls in the pictures are 5 year olds, same age as utau. Therefore please  view the images for reference only. 

Years passed and now I am 5 years old. My days were filled with writing my comic and having incidents with the boys who came over a bit too often. My mom was too annoyed by seeing the same faces everyday so she began to nag me about getting female friends too. Her nagging began early in morning, like the one today:

"You should have female friends as well!" My mother said," Maybe they will make you more girly!"

I made my signature 'creeped out face'. "Girly? What do you mean by that? I do all the greetings perfectly and somehow wear complicated dresses."

"You act like a grown-up lady or an old man! Never like a girl, chasing behind pink dresses and butterflies. I want to see you being all cute. I want to hear jumbled words in a little voice."

Is it Halloween? Because I look like an all-in-one pumpkin face.
"Nah, too common and way too exhausting. If I calculated the energy that would be spent in doing so, it would sum up to ...well, alot. I would rather not do such an energy-consuming job."

"Little-Miss-Physics, you will befriend a girl because its an order!"

"Elder-Mrs.-Unreasonable, I do not work in a restaurant that's why you cannot give me orders. Plus, I am bored of this conversation, so I will kinda go. "

"You will stay here missy, and do what I say!"


"Do you hear me,I said- Wait.. what did you say? "

"I said fine. Resisting bored me and the outcome won't be what you desired anyway so..."

"You know, it's not too late to change your name to Bored Dandelion, right?" She said sarcastically.

"It can be my pet name because changing my original name would be inconvenient." I replied sarcastically.

After this conversation I went straight back into my room and shut the door.

"How I wish my old friends were here too. We could have commented and made fun of the boys. It would have been so interesting and entertaining."

Ao, who was listening to me, started speaking," Oh right, Kaname Sama told me about a new amendment to this world today, that I forgot to tell you!"

"What is it?"

"You will be so surprised to hear this!"

"Just tell me already!"

"He introduced new characters to liven this setting up a bit. Guess who they are? Your old friends; all three of them!"

"Really?OMG, OMG I can't believe this! We are gonna have so much fun! Where are they? Let me get them!" I freaked out.

"Calm down! You will meet them today. Their soul has transmigrated from their bodies on Earth to the bodies of three daughters of influential dukes.
Kaname Sama has told me that you will meet Villi in the Syphon Library, Abby in the Sydon Park and Chichi on Western Bridge. "

"Where are they again? I am bad at geography even though I used to get full marks in it without cheating."

"I will lead you there. But before that ,you have to sneak out of here."

"I will do that impeccably, don't you worry!I know they must be extremely confused right now. Let's find Villi first. She doesn't even read manga or watch anime. She might receive a great shock."

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