Chapter 5

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Ibraheem's POV:

I had pulled on a black shalwar kameez with a maroon scarf (or whatever they called it) around my neck as a sign to show that we were from the male side. Zohaib's male family members and friends had to wear it. Tradition, they called it and I rolled my eyes. Kamran hated it but wore it anyway. Fahad was too hyped to give a shit. Well, as long as they are happy. And we were running late. Salman was going to be pissed. After landing in Islamabad last night, we had decided to stay at my farmhouse until the time came for the event.

"Kamran! Aa bhi ja ab! (Kamran! Come out already!)" Fahad honked as his Audi roared to life. Kamran emerged from the door, struggling to cuff his sleeves properly. We had decided to take different cars to see which one of us would reach the fastest since the engagement hall was far. The losers had to do whatever the winner wanted. Kamran took his Porsche while I sat in my Range Rover. There was something I wanted them to do. No way am I losing, I smirked as the Range Rover boomed to life. Fahad gave me a knowing look as all three of us drove outside the farmhouse.

Fahad was the first to cut me and Kamran off but I overtook him within five minutes. I flipped him the middle finger as I sped away leaving them two behind. I was leading, speeding at 200 km/hr. when I saw Salman calling me. I swiped the phone and picked up the call.

"Gee janab. (Yes, sir.)" I answered knowing full well what he was about to say next.

"Aj ke din men pohanch jaogay ap log? (Will you guys be able to arrive within today?)" Salman questioned sarcastically and I chuckled.

"Bus rastay men hain. Das minute men agaye. (We are on our way. Coming in ten minutes.)" I assured him and the moment I hung up on him, Kamran's Porsche whizzed past me at lightening speed. Seconds later, so did Fahad's Audi. Just great, I sighed as I pressed hard on the race. I saw Fahad flipping me the finger as he created more distance between us. Okay, that's it. Isko tou men cut karke hi chayn lunga. (I am definitely going to overtake him.)

Thirteen minutes later, Kamran won. I was second, Fahad was third. Kamran grinned as he got out of his Porsche looking accomplished.

"Okay, what do you want?" Fahad said impatiently while Kamran gave a smug smile in response.

"I will think on it and let you guys know." Kamran replied as he started walking towards the hall from the parking lot. All the big shots were here. All big shots that I knew of at least.

"Hold up guys! We are taking shots before we go in. I discovered this new bottle. I heard the burn is on a different level." Fahad's eyes twinkled as he took out a bottle from the car. I nodded as I took a swig directly from the bottle and so did Kamran. Fahad looked like he wanted to finish the entire bottle but we couldn't afford to get drunk since we had to drive back without killing ourselves or anyone. Plus we had to keep up with our reputation and image in the engagement.

"Bas kar Fahaday. (That's enough Fahaday.)" I took the bottle from Fahad spilling a few drops on my kameez. I grimaced before covering it up with the maroon scarf. Didn't think it would become useful like this. I put the bottle in my car and gave Fahad a warning look. He complied and I put my arm around Fahad and Kamran's shoulders and smiled genuinely. "Let's go have fun boys. I have a good feeling about this."

I saw Salman standing at the entrance of the hall, he smiled as he looked at us. We all greeted each other and then we were ready for this.


Fahad was making a snapchat video of us doing bhangra as we entered the hall. Zohaib looked amused and the shot I had taken was making me ecstatic for no reason as well. I could tell it had affected Kamran too. Damn, I needed to find out what this was. Fahad and his secret stash. We continued the bhangra until we reached near the stage where Fahad turned his phone towards the stage to capture the moment of Zohaib looking at his future wife. The men were hooting and the women were cheering but Fahad's smile vanished in seconds as his phone slowly went down. He gave me a confused look as he turned back towards the stage.

What was wrong with him? I stopped dancing as I followed his eyes towards the stage. I saw Zohaib looking at someone intensely and then I saw who it was. I knew that woman. I knew her. Wasn't that Rubab? Zohaib was marrying Rubab? Which meant she must be here too. I felt my heart beat pick up and I knew it wasn't because of the alcohol. My eyes left the stage in seconds as I started to scan the hall. Every second felt suffocating because I couldn't see her. I could feel the beating of my heart increase. I could feel it beating in my head. My breathing was unstable until it completely stopped when I finally saw her.

She looked simply surreal. I thought she was beautiful back then but she was unbelievably stunning now. Her blue eyes twinkled in the hall lights as she gave a thumbs up to Rubab and then turned around to sit beside her friend Zoya. I could have blamed the alcohol for this illusion but I knew it wasn't one. The real Misha Yousaf was standing a few feet away from me. It had been five years but those eyes, that smile, that innocent charm, it really was her. She had her back towards me but I knew what I had seen wasn't a lie. Her clapping took an abrupt halt as she slowly turned around towards me until her eyes met mine.

In that moment, I felt electricity course through my veins. It felt just like when I had first seen her five years ago, in her school, in my black shalwar kameez. I felt alive. It felt like there was no one else in the hall, just the two of us. I looked at her looking at me for what felt like an eternity until the same eyes that were twinkling seconds ago turned ice cold and she abruptly turned around.

Wait, what just happened? 

Author's Note:

Hello and Asalam o Alaikum Lovelies!

I forgot what I had to say but how are we feeling about this?

Oh wait, I remembered, what do you think Kamran will ask Fahad and Ibraheem to do as a bet for winning the race?

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