Chapter 22

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Misha's POV:

"No I am not!" I got up from my seat between Zoya and Rubab as I crossed my arms above me, daring Ibraheem to refute me. I had barely regained my breath from the marathon I had to run five minutes ago and now I was already nearing another heart attack. "Ibraheem, you are acting like a child." I exasperated deciding that rationalizing with the idiot was the best solution.

"Does a child want to get married?" Ibraheem replied as he took a step closer to me. "I don't think a child can even comprehend the ways in which I want you." He whispered in my ear causing goosebumps to erupt all over my skin. I stepped back but he just stepped forward again. "Does a child imagin-"

"Okay fine! I get it! You are not a child." I cut him off because I wasn't about to listen to his absurd remarks. My cheeks burned from embarrassment but he just stood there unabashed. Does this man have no shame at all?

"I am not marrying you, Ibraheem." I replied in a definite tone. He seems unfazed by my statement.

"Are you sure?" Ibraheem took a step towards me but I stood rooted to the ground.

"Positive." I kept my head held high.

"I kind of had a feeling you would say that. But rest assured, I came prepared." Ibraheem gave me a dangerous smile. The way his eyes glimmered made me second guess my answer. What was he thinking now?

"So what now? You are going to threaten me?" I continued to observe every little action he took to figure out what he was up to but it was pointless. I just had a bad feeling. He smiled before taking out a gun from inside his coat. "So this is your grand plan? You are going to shoot me if I don't sign the marriage papers?"

"No, my love, I could never hurt you." I turned to look at Zoya and Rubab in growing fear as they slowly rose up as well. "No, I am not going to hurt your friends either, Fahad and Kamran will go crazy if I do that." Ibraheem rolled his eyes.

"What are you going to do then?" I asked cautiously.

"Kill myself, of course." He said it in such a calm way that I blinked several times trying to process his words. He loaded the gun and took off the safety as he put it to his head. No, this can't be happening.

"You can't be serious, Ibraheem." But everything about his facial features screamed how serious he was.

"If I can't make you mine and you are just going to end up with someone else, I don't see the point in all of this." He gave me a broken smile and I gulped. "I can't bear the pain of that."

"Ibraheem." I slowly took a step towards him but he stepped back. "Relax and put the gun down." I wished Kamran hadn't left with Fahad so he could beat some sense into his cousin but no, he left the three of us to deal with this psychopath. Zoya and Rubab looked like they had frozen from the fear or something. "This is not the way. This is madness."

"What is the way? Watch you get married to someone else? I love you damn it. Don't you understand that?" I was taken aback. What was I supposed to say now? I had to get the gun away from him somehow. I didn't want to believe it but he was crazy enough to do something like this. I felt like everything was happening all over again. Last time, it was me trying to kill myself on the road with a bullet in leg as a result and now it was Ibraheem's turn. Except I didn't know if he was going to shoot his leg or his head.

"Ibraheem, just put the gun down. We can talk about this." The fear that Ibraheem might actually kill himself scared me more than actually getting married to him. The realization that I would lose him forever ripped at my heart. He wouldn't actually kill himself would he? I mean he could be playing or something? Who plays with a loaded gun? My conscience questioned me.

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