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Me: guysss

Ky: aza??

Me: ky??

Ky: i can't believe it
Ky: you're still alive

Me: what?

Ky: you survived working with the princess
Ky: she didn't behead you

Me: fuck off
Me: and her name's phoenix

Cass: is it?
Cass: i thought it was aza's-huge-crush

Ky: lol nice

Me: that was lame
Me: and i don't have a huge crush on her

Ky: only a gigantic one

Me: shut your gigantic mouth

Cass: so how did it go?

Me: not bad

Ky: since when is not bad a synonym for fucking fantastic?

Me: since never

Cass: did something happen?
Cass: pls tell me you apologised like you wanted to
Cass: and then made out

Me: wtf
Me: why are you guys so stupid?

Ky: your stupidness rubbed off on us

Me: pretty sure it's stupidity
Me: dumbass

Ky: shut up
Ky: smartass

Cass: soo?
Cass: what did you want to tell us??

Me: well
Me: first of all, she's rich
Me: like R I C H

Ky: N I C E

Cass: well, duh
Cass: her mum's célia leflore

Me: whatever

Ky: and second?

Me: well
Me: we only watched a movie

Ky: what movie?

Me: a porn, obviously

Cass: oh nice
Cass: lesbian porn, i hope

Me: we're still doing a group project, morons

Cass: did you hold hands?

Me: no

Ky: did you want to hold hands?

Me: no

Cass: so yes

Me: so no
Me: nothing happened
Me: or well

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